August 6, 2019

The directional drilling project taking place on State Road 24 will remove aging wastewater lines from Bridges 1, 2 and 3 and place them underground beneath the waterways. The Cedar Key Water and Sewer District’s wastewater collection and treatment system was installed in 1981, and wastewater collection pipes were attached to the sides of Bridges 1, 2, and 3. These aging PVC pipes are exposed to the elements and there are various threats to their integrity, including brittleness due to age, collision by boats, and damage by storms. It is important that they be removed from the bridges and buried below by directional drilling. Wastewater lines on other bridges in Cedar Key have all been removed and buried underground over the past few years.

A substantial spill of wastewater into Cedar Key’s Class II shellfish waters could have a devastating impact on the environment and economy of Cedar Key. The best solution to the problem of these wastewater lines posing a threat to the waters of Cedar Key is to bury the pipelines in the earth beneath the channels by way of directional drilling. The directional drilling of these pipes will remove this substantial threat to the environment and economy of the Cedar Key area.  

A generous “RIVER Grant” from the Suwannee River Water Management District has aided the Water and Sewer District in getting this work done. The Water Management District has funded half of the $180,000 project. General Underground LLC, out of Chiefland, was the low bidder on the project and is performing the work. The actual drilling of the pipelines will be completed by mid-August, with all connections and removal of the old pipelines to be completed in September.

If you have any questions about this project, feel free to call John McPherson, General Manager, 352-317-7431.



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