September 6, 2020
Meeting Specifics: The Cedar Key City Commission met on Tuesday, September 1, 2020, at 5 pm, at Cedar Key Community Center for a Budget Workshop. Present were Mayor Heath Davis, Vice-Mayor Sue Colson, Commissioners Susan Rosenthal, Jim Wortham, and Nancy Sera.
The Community Center room was full but for of four seats. Seats were arranged to physically distance audience members. Five commissioners sat at the front of the room physically distanced; four commissioners began the meeting wearing masks. Audience, commissioners, and staff numbered 36.
Staff in attendance included: City of Cedar Key Police Chief Virgil Sandlin, Fire Chief and Emergency Operations Director Robert Robinson, City Clerk Crystal Sharp, and Receptionist Telicia Winfield.  
Among those in the twenty eight member audience were: Walt and Barbara McJordan, Mike and Mrs. Day, Bob and Jeri Treat, Linda and Colin Dale, Pat and Cindy Bonish, Gina and Peter Stefani, Buddy Scruggs, Esta Johnson, and Frank and Mandy Offerle.

Mayor Heath Davis reminded all to be courteous of others regarding their coughing or sneezing needs.
Mayor Davis explained that this budget workshop is one of a series conducted each year in a process to develop an annual balanced budget.
Three more budget meetings are scheduled thus far:
• Budget Workshop, September 9, 2020, 5pm, Community Center
• Tentative Budget Meeting Tuesday, September 15, 2020 (after Commission Meeting)
• Final Budget Meeting, Monday, September 28, 2020
The budget presented tonight is based on a 4.9 millage rate. Last year’s millage rate was 4.97.
Wortham made the point that the 4.9 mileage rate being discussed tonight is the lowest mileage rate in the last five years.

Commissioner Jim Wortham questioned the amount of money taken from the city surplus funds it took to balance the budget at 4.9. Any specific response was unclear.
Wortham further questioned the purchase of a police vehicle; Chief Sandlin responded that the vehicle will be paid for by a grant that has been awarded the city; the actual check is being processed now. Wortham further questioned the outside accounting services.
Resident Colin Dale questioned the city’s approximately $85,000 increase in budget from last fiscal year and the one proffered this evening of $2,464,000. He commented upon three possible contributors to the discrepancy: staff’s 5% salary increases; an additional City Hall clerk for $30,000: and new accounting services for $20,000.
Dale articulated his concern that residents are taking the brunt of the budget expenses and increases whereas visitors to Cedar Key share none or far less of the burden.
He suggested that we look at the income side of the budget. The Marina, is perhaps, not doing its full share and also parking could become a larger source of income for the city.
After receiving input from the other commissioners and members of the audience, Mayor Davis suggested reducing the following accounts to get the millage rate down to approximately 4.73%:
• Reduce the proposed salary raises from 5% to 3%. Salary increases of 5% should be by a merit-based review process.
• Public Works Department Capital Outlay cut by $7170 to $15,000.
• Library Capital Outlay (siding and roof repairs) cut completely, assuring all that when the fix is needed, commissioners would find the money and fix the roof.
• Extra police salary reduced to $10,000
• Police Vehicle Maintenance to $5000.
The mayor finished with, “There are still plenty of funds here for us to operate exactly the way that we’re operating currently and with some of the ideas that we talked about, and that’s my opinion based on previous years, looking at this budget.”
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm.