2020 September 9

MEETING SPECIFICS: The Cedar Key City Commission met on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, at 5 pm, at Cedar Key Community Center for a Budget Workshop.   Present were Mayor Heath Davis, Vice-Mayor Sue Colson, and Commissioners Susan Rosenthal, Jim Wortham, and Nancy Sera.   

Seats were arranged to physically distance audience members. Approximately twenty-seven individuals filled the room:  nine staff members, plus Beauchamp, and approximately seventeen audience members.  Five commissioners sat at the front of the room physically distanced; four commissioners began the meeting wearing masks. 

Staff in attendance included: City of Cedar Key Police CMhief Virgil Sandlin, Fire Chief and Emergency Operations Director Robert Robinson, City Clerk Crystal Sharp, and Receptionist Telicia Winfield.   Robert Beauchamp, from Beauchamp and Edwards CPAs, was in attendance.

Among those in the approximately seventeen-member audience were: Clay and Jan Childers, Bob and Jeri Treat, Linda and Colin Dale, Kay Probst, Patty Jett, Anne Miller, Mr. Petrie, Nickie Rucker, Dan Smith, Mike Day,  and Frank and Mandy Offerle.                                                                                                                     


Commissioner Susan Rosenthal reported that the $5,00 budgeted for police car maintenance was insufficient and asked that another $5,000 be budgeted; Commissioner Nancy Sera agreed.  Police Chief Virgil Sandlin reported that his police salary budget was adequate for the present time.

Resident Colin Dale suggested that the national Cost of Living Index be used in calculating raises in the future.   Currently that index is 2%, he added.

Audience member Dan Smith asked for clarification of the currently budgeted accounting and auditing services.  Beauchamp, of Beauchamp and Edwards CPAs, explained the difference  annual, independent auditing is required by Florida law for all municipalities; accounting services, his firm, assist the city clerk, one year into the position,  in preparing and maintaining  the annual budget.  Beauchamp sees the accounting services will not be needed in the long term. 

Additional unclear conversations centered on the city’s reserve fund, which apparently nears $500,000.  The fund exists for emergencies, such as debris removal after hurricanes and like circumstances.   Colin Dale asked where these dollars are reflected in the budget documents and how they  are invested to gain maximum interest on them.

Resident Jeri Treat suggested that lowering a millage rate may not be appropriate as reserve funds are regularly needed.  The city’s thirty-year-old fire truck is one such example, as are a series of items on the long-term Capital Outlay list.


  • One budgeted item was increased. 
  • The millage rate is set at 4.744. 
  • The budget is balanced. 
  • A tentative and a final budget meeting follow this workshop.  The Tentative Budget Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 15, 2020, after Commission Meeting.  The Final Budget Meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 28, 2020.


The meeting was adjourned at 6 pm.


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