23 September 2020
Editor’s Note
The following missive was received by the Cedar Key News staff on September 22, 2020, at 1:12 pm.
The CDC guidlines refered to attended that email; click on the link at the missive's end to read them. 

A change in COVID Policy at City Hall

As it relates to a recent event where City staff and the public could have been exposed to COVID we plan to make some changes here at City Hall in an effort to keep our staff and our citizens safe.Tuesday September 15th Mr. Robert Beauchamp, one of the City’s contractors, notified us he was positive for COVID. As a result of this the next morning Robert, Virgil, Telicia and I immediately went to have a rapid test done. All four of us were negative. In an abundance of caution we went to the Health Department and had a 72 hour test run as well, all of this while Telicia and I were self-quarantining. The Health Department only advised Telicia and I to get the testing done and not the rest of staff, they did not believe anyone else should be at risk based on the limited contact with Mr. Beauchamp per the safety guidelines we have been following.

We had a staff meeting a few months ago and at that meeting we discussed all the things that CDC believes are important to our City and Community to keep everyone as safe as possible. Since then, we have made all the possible adjustments to our building. Public Works stays out of here as much as possible and so does the Police Department. We have cleaning wipes that we use several times a day to wipe ink pens, surfaces and door handles from citizens coming and going at City Hall. We have a hand sanitizing station inside the door and at both windows. We also offer masks on a table just inside the door. We keep our glass partitions CLOSED the entire day by a device that will NOT let you open the window at all. We have limited access to one person at a time in City Hall. Lt. Neil with the police department has also sent out an email to all of his officers to follow certain guidelines when involving the police vehicles.

In addition to what we have been doing, we are currently keeping the front door locked as it has been since the knowledge of Mr. Beauchamp testing positive. Tomorrow, Wednesday September 23rd, we will re-open City Hall. We have printed out the attached CDC guidelines and everyone that works for City Hall has signed that they have received and understand them. We also will require masks be worn in the main area of City Hall referred to as the meeting room area. Tomorrow, Wednesday September 23rd, we will re-open City Hall. Once all staff and Commissioners are made aware of this we will unlock the door and limit the number of people in City Hall at one time. Masks for public will be mandatory, but when people who come in who don’t want to wear them, they just throw their stuff on the counter and leave. Also, in Commission meetings at the Community Center staff will separate at least 6 feet apart as the Commission has been doing. All future City meetings will be live on Facebook and on our website as soon as it has the capability.

As a result of this event we have also made plans for in the event that something MAJOR was to happen in our city, I believe that waste pro could help with our Public Works Department (as far as trash pickup is concerned) and the county would have to send officers and firefighters to help answer calls.14 days is a long time to be closed but we could monitor emails from home and also have the phones transferred to answer from home as well. We can renew launch passes and BTR's by email or snail mail. We can also use the same practices when handling permitting.

Please feel free to contact me any time, day or night about any City business. We are all doing the very best that we can to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Crystal Sharp
City Clerk
City of Cedar Key



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