November 11, 2020

Editor’s Note: The following notice was sent from Melissa Lewis,
Director of Accountability, School Board of Levy County,
to Levy County Schools Families and Staff on November 10, 2020.
November 10, 2020
Levy Families & Staff,

This is a Covid-19 update. Our county has seen a rise in the number of Covid-19 positive cases over the last month. The School Health RN’s and the School Administration have spent hours evaluating each case and trying to limit sending any student home to quarantine that hasn’t been in contact. 

We have identified an issue, and we need your help! We have seen first-hand and had multiple phone calls, about students who are supposed to be at home on quarantine, who are out in public areas and even more risky, hanging out together.  This kind of behavior increases the likelihood of the virus continually spreading in our community and in the school system and causing additional and even repetitive quarantines for students.  

A student or staff member sent home to quarantine or isolate means they should avoid contact with others. For example, they should avoid public places, attending group events, extra-curricular practices and events, riding in cars and other close contact activities until their quarantine or isolation period is completed.  If it is an emergency that you go in public, a mask should be worn at all times. Frequent handwashing and remaining 6 feet or more from others will help.

This has been a very difficult and frustrating time for all of us. We, as a community have always pulled together and done what is needed to get through challenges, and we know we can get through this as well.  Remember we are all on the same team. We want to keep our community safe, our kids and teachers at school, and our parents able to work. We thank you for your support!
