December 6, 2020

Cedar Key Woman’s Club and all of the fans of the 2021 Cedar Key, Florida, calendar send a special thank you to all the photographers who shared their gift of photography with us.  This project has become an important fund raiser for the Woman’s Club and our community but also a fun activity where folks can share their love of the community through their photographs.  This year we have shipped more calendars than in the past and have shipped as far as the United Kingdom and Canada.

This year we had more than 20 different photo contributors.  Rory Brennan ( contributed the cover photo of the Thomas Guest House, aka Honeymoon Cottage.   January features Alison Nelson.   Ann Kamzelski, who has contributed every year and is our constant source for help, contributed both the February and the November white pelican and roseate spoonbill photos.  March features Esta Johnston and Tidewater Tours.   Tidewater Tours also contributed the April photo and loyal contributor Frank Morgan, aka Boise, the May photo.   His street scene captures the everyday look of Cedar Key.  Rita Baker’s June photograph features a Cedar Key sunset.   July is a backwater canal scene by Vicki Crumpley.   Josh Turner, 14, contributed the August photo.   He has attended our fall market for several years with his parents.    Wanda Davis contributed the September marsh scene.   Wanda was a loyal friend of the Cedar Key Woman’s Club, an award-winning quilter, and a wonderful photographer who touched all our lives.   Thank you, Wanda, you will be missed.    We were excited to have Gaber Lauer, a senior at the Cedar Key High School, contribute his fabulous low tide photo.   "Christmas in Cedar Key in December features Teresa Stevens and Susan Rosenthal.   Back page  photos feature Donna Bushnell, Nancy Beckham, Santa Blouse, Dan Wilcox, Joan Selby, Judy Duvall, Dee Miller and Renee Scheck.

Each participant will receive a free calendar and this year, with help from Ann Kamzelski, we have hidden a fishing rod in one of the photos.   If you find it, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to enter your name for a drawing for a free calendar.

We also would like to send a special thank you to all the local businesses that support this project:   Cedar Key Welcome Center, Island Hotel, Cedar Key Country Store, The Market at Cedar Key, Dilly Dally Galley, Haley’s Hair, Cedar Key Bed and Breakfast, Cedar Key Hardware, McCormick Reality,  Cedar Key Historical Museum,  Cedar Key News, and Drummond Bank.
