Dear CKNews editors:
I am writing you to say a heartfelt thanks for publishing a great a letter that rises above personal opinion. Mr. Ferguson does this by taking the helpful step to cite actual precedent.
In our struggle to provide safety during the virus spread, it is crucial for all of us to understand that our considerable freedoms have a limit whenever they overstep the common good. At the very beginning of this republic our founders understood that to pass on their hard-won independence they needed to create strong laws and institutions to guide us through hard times. This is a moment that calls for more than opinion. It calls for the wisdom of previous experience to guide us.
All of us can do what many different medical groups and agencies have discovered to reduce the virus among us. What is the point of a community if we don't help each other? Otherwise, we are only a collection of people who happen to be live here. Tourists in our own home.
Maggi Funchion
22 year resident of Cedar Key