January 26, 2021

 The Future Farmers of America Chapters have been BUSY! This past week was the Cedar Key School  Homecoming with the theme, "We've got game"; so the chapters built a themed float based on the board game Jumunji.

The gardens have been growing, and we have a variety of greens planted, with many being ready for harvest in the next two weeks. The new sixth graders (started class after Christmas), have started seeds in the classroom, and many began transplanting their seedlings this week.

The Cedar Key FFA Chapters have started preparation for the upcoming FFA sub district competition. Cedar Key has elected chapter members to compete within these district contests, which consist of various public speaking events. Rebecca King will compete in extemporaneous speaking; Alyssa McCain will compete in creed; Alexis Lipscomb will compete in prepared public speaking; and the middle school chapter officer team will partake in opening and closing ceremonies (OCC). The Cedar Key FFA chapter has been practicing for these contests twice a week for the past three months and are very excited to showcase their skills within these contests.   

We have a newly formed alumni chapter for our FFA. President Hannah Brinkman and the Cedar Key FFA Alumni are already looking to help out our members by planning a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for our members chapter animals that get sold at the Suwannee River Fair in March. They will also be hosting a FFA camping trip for members in the spring, and you will see many of them running the FFA booth at the Arts Festival in April.


Article by Senior Chapter President Alexis Lipscomb


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