City of Cedar Key
27 JANUARY, 2021 
The Cedar Key City Commission met on Tuesday, January 27, 2021, at 6 pm, at the Cedar Key Community Center in a Special Meeting. Present were Mayor Heath Davis, Vice-Mayor Sue Colson, Commissioners Susan Rosenthal, Jim Wortham, and Nancy Sera.
Staff in attendance included: City of Cedar Key Attorney Norm Fugate, Police Chief Virgil Sandlin, Fire Chief and Emergency Operations Director Robert Robinson, City Clerk Crystal Sharp, Receptionist Telicia Winfield, Public Works Director Michelle Petersen, and Building Clerk Jennifer Sylvester. All commissioners but one wore masks and were physically distanced; no staff wore masks.
Among those in the approximately twenty-five-member audience were: Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Webb, Nickie Rucker, John Caddigan, Freddie Kaim, Janice Fugate, Margie VanLandingham, Caryn Stephenson, Niki Mason, Sherry Sicking, Laura Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Faries, Becky LaFountain, Esta Johnson, Bob and Jeri Treat, and Mandy and Frank Offerle.
Cedar Key City Clerk Crystal Sharp tendered her resignation to the City of Cedar Key on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, the day following the January 19 City Commission Meeting. Recognizing that Vice-Mayor Sue Colson called the special meeting, Mayor Heath Davis called upon her to begin the meeting.
Colson stated that the reason she called the meeting is to decide among: accepting Sharp’s resignation; not accepting the resignation; prolonging the resignation date to allow for advertising for the position and training of the new person.
When asked why she resigned, Sharp said that she heard the word “mandate” at the last commission meeting and thought it was coming. She replied, “me and my staff will not wear masks.” She then added that her staff would make their own decision weather to wear mask or not.
The conversation meandered for approximately a half hour at which time Colson spoke vaguely about restructuring the city commission. She talked about cities with strong mayors and cities with structures where every commissioner had a different department head reporting to him. What was clear is that strong mayors have the authority to hire and fire employees, instead of it being the majority vote of the commissions. Colson motioned that Davis be elected the strong mayor with that authority now.
The vote to have Davis become the Strong mayor was instant and unanimous. The decision to accept resignations, hire, and fire now rest with Mayor Davis. Mayor Davis accepted the position of strong mayor and immediately adjorned the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm.