February 6, 2021
The Friends 2021 Annual Meeting is coming up on Saturday, February 27 at 10:00a.m.
You can sign up now.
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

• Give us your name and tell us you intend to attend. It is that easy!
• Let us know if you are new to Zoom and would like to schedule a help session ahead of time to practice joining the meeting.
• Also, send us up to five photos you have taken on the refuges during the pandemic. We will create a slide show for the meeting.

Within a few days, by return email, you will receive:
• the link to join the meeting;
• a tip sheet for using zoom;
• a discount code for the new Online Store (just as in the past Friends merchandise was discounted at the Annual Meeting).
As with most events in 2020, and so far in 2021, the Friends Annual Membership Meeting will not be an in-person gathering at the Refuge Headquarters, and the delectable McCain’s BBQ will not be served.
On the other hand, you can attend even if you did not come south this winter and are still enjoying the snowy north country. You won't have to worry about rain, cold, or noseeums. And, in many ways the Annual Meeting will be very much like last year’s.
Refuge Manager Andrew Gude will tell us what has been happening during the pandemic.
Current president, John McPherson, and president-elect Peg Hall will provide updates on the many things accomplished by the Friends organization this year including:
• the Vista Project (remember the tour from last year),   and
• the Friends To Sign or Not To Sign face-off with U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service headquarters over an agreement we thought needed revisions,   .
And, of course, we will have a Featured Speaker. This year it will be Board member Dr. Ginessa Mahar. Her presentation title is:
Friends, Feasts, and Fishes: Facilitating Ancient Gatherings within the Lower Suwannee Region
The topic is rooted in her archaeological research within the refuges and focuses on the fishing practices that supplied Shell Mound’s ancient gatherings.

There will also be Chat Rooms where we can gather in small groups for open discussion.
We look forward to receiving your sign-up emails and to seeing everyone at the meeting.
Your Board Members

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