February 14, 2021

The annual Cedar Key Empty Bowls Soup Supper has been re-imagined because of the challenges created by the pandemic. In prior years, attendees have enjoyed a warm bowl of homemade soup, salad, bread, and dessert and taken home a pottery bowl in exchange for a donation to the Cedar Key Food Pantry. In 2021, Empty Bowls will have a new menu and venue.

Soup and crackers will be available for take-out service only on a first come, first served basis.  The event is on Wednesday, March 3, 2021, (rain or shine) from 12:00-3:00 in the Cedar Key City Park.  Community members can enjoy soups created by Cedar Key restaurants or Sysco Foods. JAN 2 FOOD PANTRY LOGO

Restaurants that are contributing the 200 servings of soup are 83 West/Sysco Foods, 1842 Daily Grind, Annie’s, Duncan’s, Island Hotel and Restaurant, Island Room Restaurant, Robinson Seafood, Steamers/2nd Street Cafe, and Tony’s.  Monetary donations to the Cedar Key Food Pantry will be accepted when the soup and crackers are picked-up.

Cookbooks featuring recipes for soups enjoyed by attendees at past Empty Bowls suppers and Empty Bowls hats will be available for donations at the supper. The cookbooks are also at the Cedar Key Welcome Center. Donations for the cookbooks and hats will benefit our community’s Food Pantry.

Over the years, Amy Gernhardt and other potters have donated over a thousand bowls to this event. This year they are donating their time and expertise to create 100 beautiful bowls for the Empty Bowls fundraiser. The bowls will be available for a $20 donation during April at the Cedar Key Arts Center.  The proceeds will be donated to the food pantry.

The Empty Bowls Project is an international event that had its beginnings in a school over 30 years ago.  Two artists, one a high school ceramics teacher, came up with a creative idea for students to raise funds to fight hunger.  Guests at a fundraising event were served a simple meal of soup and bread and invited to keep student- created bowls as a lasting reminder of hunger - that there are always empty bowls in the world. 


Our local Empty Bowls supper has been a success because people consistently dig deep into their pockets and generously donate to this cause. In 2020, the soup supper raised over $5,600. The artists and attendees at our “soup-er” suppers have all shared the Empty Bowls’ mission of raising dollars to help end hunger by contributing to our community’s food pantry.  Although the scope for this year’s supper is scaled back, we’re hoping that the generous community will join together for this simple supper.
