February 17, 2021
The Cedar Key Library Lecture Series will feature Wildlife Biologist Vic Doig as guest speaker on Thursday, February 18th at 5 pm at the Cedar Key Community Center.FEB 17 LIBRARAY vic
Doig, who currently serves as Fire Management Officer for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Lower Suwannee and Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuges, will discuss how fire plays a crucial role in shaping most of the natural communities of Florida as an essential process upon which many plant and animal species thrive.
Vic was trained in wildlife management at the University of Florida and NC State University. Prior to his assignment at Lower Suwannee, Vic worked for the State of Florida with the state park system as a biologist and land manager, then for the FWC as a biologist and land management supervisor. Vic has been with the Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge for the past 18 years; spending his entire career in the North Central Florida region developing a tremendous passion for the woods and water of the Nature Coast and the critters who call them home.
Join us in-person at 5 pm at the Community Center. Social distancing protocols are followed. Masks must be worn to enter.
Or join us via ZOOM using the link information below.
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Meeting ID: 216 050 5120
Passcode: zTm2FD

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