February 19, 2021
The mission of the Cedar Key Community Garden is “to build a sense of community that is supported by the community and is productive, aesthetically pleasing, and welcoming; the Garden further seeks to educate and inspire people to replicate our efforts in their backyards and in established community gardens, and to start new community gardens.”
Faithfully fulfilling major parts of this mission, on Wednesday, February 17, from 9 am until 10:30 am, Cedar Key Community Garden growers harvested beds, stored and cooled the greens, and delivered them to the Cedar Key Food Pantry.
Tasks such as this define the Garden in many ways: giving back to the community of which it is a part, purposefully planting extra vegetables for those who may not have them, gathering as a gardener group to harvest and deliver greens, teaching others to harvest and give to others cite but a few.
By 10:30 am, different kinds of lettuce and kale and cabbages filled two large coolers and one large box.
Tom Deverin, the person who knew what he was doing, organized the operation and taught the other gardeners how to harvest these greens.
Mike Kropp, the incredibly helpful, regularly returning visitor to Cedar Key each February, worked with Pat Deverin to Harvest Lisa Mitchell’s and Nancy Hanson’s garden bed. The latter two remain in Canada this winter because of the pandemic. Tom previously planted the bed anticipating the Food Pantry harvest.
Mike Kropp and Jennifer Webb, very generously, did a lot of totting coolers and boxes, as well as much harvesting. Becky LaFountain and Renee Schneck harvested, as well.
A most satisfying day, indeed.