March 3, 2021
Thanks to ten most generous sponsors, a hungry and generous public, and some energetic volunteers, the annual Empty Bowls event proved a marvelous success. All donations received will go to the Cedar Key Food Pantry.
“It was a perfect Soup Day,” observed volunteer Sue Sellars. Indeed, it was: a bit nippy, 60-ish degrees, partly cloudy skies, cool Gulf breeze…a perfect jacket, and soup, day.
The March 3 event began at noon and was to last until 3 pm. “Before 1 pm, most of the soup was gone,” reported volunteer Nita Cox. “About thirty people were here at noon and they just kept on coming steadily,” added volunteer Joyce DeHaan. When asked about how the fund-raising effort was proceeding, Joyce added, “People have been most generous.”
This year, because of pandemic-necessitated CDC guidelines, gathering to eat together, as has been the case in days past, was not an option. Instead of individuals concocting their own special soups from homemade recipes, ten sponsors offered soups for the public. These generous restaurateurs were:
1842 Daily GrindJAN 2 FOOD PANTRY LOGO
Island Hotel
Island Room
Robinson’s Seafood
Second Street Café
Sysco Foods
83 West
The ten sponsors established themselves at ten tables in the City Park Pavilion with their soups prepackaged in to-go bowls. Visitors entered, strode about, made their choices, generously donated to the Cedar Key Food Panty, and were on their way.
The Cedar Key Cookbook was a welcomed feature of the day. Twenty-five different soup recipes, seen bread recipes, nine main dishes, and four desserts comprise the text. Gathered, compiled, and printed by Amy Gernhardt, the cookbooks are available at the Cedar Key Welcome Center. Donations for the cookbooks benefit the Food Pantry.
It is typical of Cedar Keyans not to abandon this important event in difficult times; these folks here still see the need to support the Pantry and just find another way to do it.  Verry Cedar Key resilient!   Thanks go to ten generous restaurateurs and some tireless volunteers.  

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