Atsena Otie Archaeological Project Call for Volunteers

June 20, 2019

The Atsena Otie Archaeological Project, under the direction of UF’s Ken Sassaman, aims to mobilize historical knowledge about past hurricanes in the Cedar Key area to raise public awareness about the future vulnerabilities of changing climate. The early stages of this project involved archival research and digital mapping of the island of Atsena Otie, the primary focus of study. We now aim to cleanup and document the Atsena Otie cemetery for purposes of 3D digital reconstruction.

We are looking for volunteers from the community to help in our efforts to conserve and document this special and sacred place. If you are interested in volunteering your time and learning more about the archaeological process of documenting historical sites you can either get in touch with us directly or sign up via the website link provided (information below). We expect the project to take between 2-3 days of fieldwork, although four days have been set aside to account for potential rain days and to provide multiple options for those interested. Fieldwork dates are as follows: June 24 & 25, and July 1 & 2. You may sign up for as many days as you like; any cancellations due to weather or other circumstances will be communicated the night before via email or phone (whichever you prefer).

Boat transportation to and from Atsena Otie and all equipment will be provided. We will meet at the gazebo in the Cedar Key Park near the marina at 8 am each day of fieldwork. Volunteers should come prepared to work outdoors (bug spray and sunscreen are encouraged). Most work days will be around 6 hours long, so volunteers should come prepared with water and lunch. Snacks and additional water will be provided as well.

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us via phone or email.


Ginessa Mahar

UF Project Archaeologist

Cellular: 631-839-1140

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
