January 10, 2020
by Rita Baker
Editor’s Note: Many of us in Cedar Key found it hard to lose “Moe” Beckham. Cedar Key News staff couldn’t quite let him go without reaching out to long-time locals who knew him. Below is a remembrance by Cedar Key’s own Rita Baker. We hope you enjoy it. If you knew Moe and have a paragraph or two to share, staff would further memorialize him by publishing your thoughts. Just email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Moe Beckham was truly one of a kind. A bit rough around the edges, but pure sweetness on the inside. His presence, contagious smile and Cedar Key charm will be sorely missed. Those of us who were fortunate enough to know him may deem ourselves very blessed/lucky.
He was an amazing man who probably forgot more about mullet fishing than most his junior will ever know, and could work circles around them all! His love and pride for Cedar Key was genuine and through his passing a very large chunk of "real' Cedar Key is gone.
Moe was an avid 'old' Country music fan and in the last decade of his life with gusto and vigor taught himself to play the guitar. Sometimes I'd stop by his Smoked Mullet stand on Hwy. 24 to visit with him. He'd hand me his guitar, I'd tune it and he'd then ask me to "pick some Hank Williams." I told him I'd play if he'd sing. He was living proof that we are never too old to learn something new.
Moe was a font of Cedar Key history and information. He told me that very few people ever knew there was a hospital on the island or a commissary in Lukens (just over #4 Bridge). According to his recollection, the hospital was located at the Island Hotel.
More than anything, he knew the waters around Cedar Key like the back of his hand. Moe was a legend in his own time and this writer is a better person for having known an loved him on a personal level. Rest in peace cousin Moe.