livingwithbatsWHY ARE BATS IN MY BELFRY?

January 25, 2020

by Sally Beveridge

Megan Wallrichs, Assistant Regional Species Conservation Biologist, Lake City, Florida, talked to an interested group about our fascinating bats!bat face burney

Bats are the only mammals that can truly fly. Megan believes we have two species in Cedar Key – the Brazilian free tail and the Southeastern myotis. Bats can live up to 40 years. They breed in the fall and can have one to two pups in the spring.

A single bat can eat hundreds of mosquitos each night! To attract bats, you can build or buy a bat house and install. For more information on bats, installing a bat house, or trying to get rid of unwanted bats, you can visit, or click here:

 Photos courtesy of fwc website.  Wallricchs' presentation occurred on Thursday, January 23, at 5 pm, at the Cedar Key Library.


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