January 29, 2020

·        Don't forget to renew your membership and join us at noon for lunch at the Annual CKAC Membership Meeting, Saturday, February 1.

·        Entries are due by 5 pm, Wednesday, January 29, for the February Open Community Exhibit, In Love with Cedar Key.  Opening, Saturday, February 1, 5-7 pm, prizes awarded.

·        Lots of workshops, paint parties, and other fun things to do this month at the CKAC.  Check out the website at for more information.  The Plein Air and Sketch Group workshops have been cancelled due to lack of artists but come and join others during Open Studio time in February.

·        Edgar Loudermilk Band, Saturday, February 8, at 7 pm.  Tickets sold at the door.

·        If you are interested in volunteering to help with the Old Florida Celebration of the Arts, April 4 and 5, or would like to become a Purchase Award Patron, please let us know by contacting us today. T-shirts and posters are now on sale at the Cedar Keyhole Artist Co-op.  Get yours TODAY!

Cedar Key Arts Center, 457 Second Street, Cedar Key, FL 32625 ,
