April 4, 2020
Although the Cedar Key Arts Center is closed, we wanted to share the following information with you in hopes to bring you a little sunshine and inspiration in these difficult times.
Old Florida Celebration of the Arts VIRTUAL ART FESTIVAL available on-line now! Click on the Virtual Festival link on the Festival website at www.CedarKeyArtsFestival.com) or on the Virtual Festival box on HOME PAGE/Sidebar of the Arts Center website (www.CedarKeyArtsCenter.org) and you will be connected to a list of 2020 OFCA Invited Artists by medium. With one additional click you can go directly to their website.
Enjoy and please support our artists who have had numerous spring arts festivals cancelled causing significant financial hardship -- THANKS!
Try a Ribbon to say THANKS TO CITY OF CEDAR KEY. If you would like to express your thanks to the City Commission, CK Police and Fire Depts, EMS & City Staff for their dedication during these difficult times, pick up a ribbon from the box on the front porch at City Hall (or bring your own), write a message on it (or not) and tie it up at City Hall starting Sunday at noon. Share your gratitude!
CKAC ARTIST STIMULUS PACKAGE – here are some ideas that might inspire your creative juices, help others, and/or bring a little smiles to the Cedar Key.
Make Masks – Fabric Supplies (in small “kits”) and Instructions for making a variety of other different types of masks are in a big blue container on the back porch of the Arts Center. Thanks to all of you who have made masks over the past two weeks – > 100 masks have been sent to Sarasota General Hospital where we heard about the need from Marsha Schwartz (CKAC member, board member, and keyhole member who recently moved from CK – see Marsha’s thank you below). A container for completed masks is inside the Blue Box. Many local seamstresses are now making masks for our community. If you don’t sew or have a machine, but have fabric to donate or would like to help in other ways, please let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
- Gallery Exhibits Closed but many thanks to Marty Howbert, Gerald Horn and Linda Wilinski who have agreed to leave their work at the CKAC for now. We hope to be able to reopen the exhibit later this spring.
- All workshops cancelled for now.
- Please renew your 2020 membership if you have not already done so. If you don’t know, just ask and we’ll be glad to check.