April 11, 2020 
Thank you to the community of Cedar Key.  Thank you to the commissioners for making the difficult decision to limit access.  Thank you to the Police Chief, the Fire Chief and the police for ALL they do ALL the time.  Thank you to the city workers who go above and beyond in their jobs.  Thank you to all who risk their health to keep us functioning by providing services.  Thank you to everyone for being part of a great place to live even in these interesting times. 
 Patty Jett, Cedr Key
April 9, 2020 
Many thanks go out to our friends who take risks on our behalf. You, our police, our fire fighters, our EMS, our grocery store workers, our servers and restaurant personnel, our Jiffy Store workers, our City workers, our trash and garbage workers, our food pantry volunteers, our teachers and school workers, and all others who continue to help us in this extraordinary time, are loved and appreciated. We are so grateful. 
Anne Miller
Cedar Key


NOTES TO THE EDITOR:  Often, notes come to the Cedar Key News that seem appropriate to share with the entire community. One follows. Should you have such a note, you are welcome to forward it to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please, include name, address, and phone number.




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