August 12, 2020

 …a note from Dr. Savanna Barry, Nature Coast Biological Station 

We are about to start up some more activity on the shoreline projects – see below for details. 

1. We will begin staging materials tomorrow (Thursday) on the G Street shoreline that will be deployed Friday and throughout the weekend. These will make up the “sill” portion of the project, which is basically the outer edge of the area that will become marsh in the final project. It is made of a concrete-coated natural fiber form that is filled with oyster shell.

• The sill will be a continuous line in its final form. In the intervening time between putting out the sill and sand placement, the sill will have gaps in it to allow water and wildlife to pass through. These will get filled in prior to sand placement, and most of the sill will also be covered up with the sand. But in the short-term it will be a visible feature at low tide.

2. Sand is scheduled to arrive on G Street on August 25th and there may also be a few trucks coming in on August 26th. The sand will be graded over those two days as well, and plants installed within three days of final grading. These dates are tentative and we will confirm them as well as dates that folks could get involved in helping with plants as soon as everything is finalized.

• During the time sand is being delivered, there will be a small area of road closure on G Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets. Of course, locals will be able to access their homes, but all other traffic will be detoured around the area. The closure will be only during the workday and will be lifted overnight.

3. The sand placement for the Airport Rd. project is on hold until October to allow the County’s project to resurface the air strip to proceed without interruption.

• We will be doing some monitoring of the reef balls this weekend, there are already lots of baby oysters on them! 

As always, I am happy to take any questions you might have. I am sure I will see many of you out on the shoreline over the next four days.  



Savanna Barry, Ph.D.
Regional Specialized Agent - Coastal Ecosystems
UF|IFAS Extension - Florida Sea Grant
UF|IFAS Nature Coast Biological Station
552 1st Street, P.O. Box 878 Cedar Key, FL 32625
office: 352-325-6080 | cell: 804-305-6014 | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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