December 15, 2020

      Officers of the Levy County Democratic Executive Committee were elected during its reorganization meeting on Monday, December 7. December 1 marked the beginning of four-year terms for members of the Democratic Executive Committee.

      The following officers were elected for two-year terms: Gussie Boatwright, chair; Nick Williams, vice chair; Kristie Switt, secretary; Mignon Craig, treasurer;  Stacey Peters, state committeewoman; and Larry Arbeiter, state committeeman.

   The Levy County D.E.C. was rechartered last year after disbanding in 2012.

   “Our goals for 2021 are simple but important to our work to rebuild the Democratic Party in Levy County,” Boatwright said. “Community engagement through involvement in local events and programs like “Adopt-a-Family,” promoting voter registration, and increasing the number of Democrats elected to local offices.”

   In addition to the Democratic Executive Committee, Democrats can also join and become involved in the Democratic Women’s Club and the Environmental Caucus.

   Eligible Democrats may apply for a seat on the Democratic Executive Committee. The D.E.C. currently holds virtual monthly meetings. For more information, call 352-363-1622. For information on the Democratic Women’s Club call 352-222-2918 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For information on the Environmental Caucus call 352-493-1807 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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