The Cedar Key City Commission has two open seats that will be voted upon on Election Day, May 5, 2015.  In the interest of a more informed public, the Cedar Key News will provide two services to you, the reader.
     One service is the Candidate Forum where you will be able to watch and join your fellow residents in asking the candidates pertinent questions regarding the city’s operation.  Mark your calendar and come to the Candidate Forum on Thursday, April 23, 2015, at 5pm, at the Cedar Key Library upstairs meeting room.
     Another service is the candidates’ written responses to three questions which you may read here on the News for the next three days, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, April 13, 15, 17, 2015. 
Below you will find the answers to the first question:
How have you been involved, other than through your business,
during the last two years in Cedar Key?
Sue Colson,Seat 5 - Incumbent
Response to Question 1
  • School Activities: SAC, PTO, Jr. Class fund raising and Prom. SWAT group, Homecoming parade, Storm water drain signage project.
  • City Involvement: Coastal Clean-up, Hazardous Waste Day, City’s Children’s Christmas Program, City employee Christmas lunch, partnering with Garden Club for specific landscaping projects, Heritage Tree program, Grant applications; FRDAP, City Park and Cemetery Point Park. Mangrove Management & Preservation seminar.
  • CKAA: Project Director, Christmas program at the park, Healthy Gulf Healthy Communities (currently developing Community Resource Guide)
  • History: Museum on Main Street – co-organizer and exhibitor (Smithsonian Institution, Florida Humanities Council, National Archives, Cedar Key Historical Society)
  • Health: Continuation of availability of flu shots, Partnering to provide TDAP shots and high blood pressure clinic day, participated in Doctors quarterly visits to Cedar Key, participated in Levy County CHIP program.
  • Others: UF Citizens Advisory Group- Division of Forestry and Natural Resources, UF Citizens Advisory for UF Dept. of Labor and Regional Planning.

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 John Blouse, Seat 5 - Challenger
Response to Question 1
I am not one that seeks the spot light to show my actions. I look forward in becoming more and more involved in our community and City Council. When I am at work, I work in areas that are personal to me in trying to help people in ways that I can share through personal experiences and through “good ole fashion" hard work. I am this way and I like this style because it has proven to be effective. I think that my ability to quietly and consistently stay focused on the City's issues will be what makes me a good City Commissioner.
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 Jamie Griffin,Seat 3
Response to Question 1
Being a single man with no children, my involvement in Cedar Key has mostly been through my business and things that affect my business. However, what’s important to my business is also important to others. I fully support the local school activities and events and I get involved when I can offer my help or when my help is needed.
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Diana Topping,Seat 3
Response to Question 1
My hands are on every part of this town in some sort of way.   I have two children that attend Cedar Key school, I utilize the boat ramps, airport and other local businesses. I have been a member with the chamber of commerce for going on three years now. My family and I are from Cedar Key for many generations and have seen this place go through many changes.  Some for the better and some not so much. Therefore I do have background knowledge and wisdom about our little town and the people that we love so much.
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Look for answers to question #2 on Wednesday


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