June 7, 2016
Meeting Specifics
The City of Cedar Key Marina Workshop met on Tuesday, June 7, 2016, at 7:20 pm at City Hall immediately after the commission meeting adjourned.   Present were:  Mayor Heath Davis, Vice-Mayor Dale Register, and Commissioners Sue Colson, Royce Nelson, and Diana Topping. 
Staff in attendance included:  Attorney Norm Fugate, Police Chief Virgil Sandlin, Fire Chief Robert Robinson, Public Works Director Bill Crandley, and City Clerk Nicole Gill’s staff. 
Among those in the audience were: Allison Nelson, Dennis Gill, Bill Heckler, Doris Hellerman, Ken and Vanessa Edmonds, John Blouse, a “Mr. Greg,” a “Mr. Dave,” Linda Dale, Steve Rosenthal, Lily Rooks, Bob and Jeri Treat, Michael Hancock, Chris Topping, and Mandy and Frank Offerle.
The bid opening for the construction of the marina restroom facilities and the outside vendor docks will be delayed about two weeks due to a larger number of qualified contractors than anticipated wanting to submit bids.
Mayor Davis discussed some of the recent changes made by Public Works.
The launch pass machine has been moved closer to the ramp and will get a flag or light to make it easier to locate. Parking hours allowed for visitors, in the boat trailer areas, have been changed to start after 2:00 pm. The police department has working well with the marina attendant help to direct boaters to other locations around town for trailer parking.
Davis mentioned the previous workshops and noted the minutes of the meetings were in the agenda package for the commissioners to review and if they favored any items to bring them up for discussion. First marina workshop was April 2, 2009, last workshop was May 15, 2012.
The dredge permit has been submitted and should be approved shortly.
Crandley and Commissioner Nelson were charged with working together on a RFP and bring it back for the commission to review. Nelson agreed and said he would have something in a few weeks. If accepted by the commission it will be advertised and put out for bids.
Mayor Heath Davis reminded the commissioners and the audience that three important, interruptive events would be soon be upon the city: 
  • the replacement of the C Street Bridge;
  • the building of the marina restrooms and the revamping of the outside docks at the Marina;
  • and the dredging of the Marina.
Davis explained that these activities will severely impact parking.  He suggested commencing a pilot program of paid parking in the two Marina parking areas: the parking area where the boat ramps are located; the long parking area along First Street south of Marina Hardware and the Fire Station. No parking fees would be required on Dock Street or the Bridge.
In this pilot program, parking passes would be issued at the machine currently being used to issue launch passes. The machine can be programmed to collect fees and print parking passes as well as launch passes. A second machine could be purchased to be used in the First Street parking section for customer ease if the pilot program succeeded.
Discussion followed regarding; why is this necessary and will it provided any additional spaces? Discussion of hours of use and fees to be charged were not discussed. The parking fee was discussed only as to the charge being the same for all day parking as for an hour. The commission’s support for the pilot parking program was not unanimous. Mayor Davis did not want to implement the project unless the entire commission was in agreement. The pilot program was therefore dropped.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 pm.

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