June 21, 2016
Meeting Specifics
The City of Cedar Key City Commission met on Tuesday, June 21, 2016, at 6 pm at City Hall.   Present were:  Mayor Heath Davis, Vice-Mayor Dale Register, and Commissioners Sue Colson and Royce Nelson. Diana Topping was not in attendance. 
Staff in attendance included:  Attorney Norm Fugate, Police Chief Virgil Sandlin, Fire Chief Robert Robinson, Public Works Director Bill Crandley, and City Clerk Nicole Gill, Crystal Sharp, and Donna Risker.                                                                                                         .”
Among those in the audience were: Connie Nelson, Michael Hancock, Linda Dale, Jeri and Bob Treat, and Mandy and Frank Offerle.
Commissioner Royce Nelson reminded the audience that the Chamber of Commerce will present a firework display, spearheaded by Dennis Gill, from a barge located in the channel between Atsena Otie and Dock Street on Monday, July 4, 2016.  The fireworks will be assembled on the barge in the Marina parking area and floated out using the inside ramp.  Donations may still be made to the Chamber of Commerce at the Cedar Key Welcome Center on Second Street.
Commissioner Nelson reported that he continues to work with county-level RESTORE committee regarding the dispensation of RESTORE Act funds, those dollars received by Levy County resulting from the BP oil spill litigation.  The committee's new plan is to disperse the funds received by Levy County, $480,000, to recipients over the next fifteen years. 
Nelson is minimizing Cedar Key’s initially-submitted Marina dredging project to a smaller job requiring fewer dollars.  Nelson believes the project to be high on the county’s list of those to receive funding.
Currently Cedar Key residents are allowed to keep two fowl as long as they are kept as pets.  At the last commission meeting, a request was made to allow keeping chickens (six was suggested) for the purpose of having fresh eggs.  It was suggested that resident chicken ownership would reduce the amount of garbage produced and collected in the city. City Clerk Nicole Gill researched the issue and recommended that residents: be allowed to have chickens; not to be allowed to slaughter them; must keep the animals in the backyard; keep no other kind of “livestock,” only chickens.   Commissioners unanimously approved an unlimited number of chickens and did not directly address the other recommendations.  Should chicken ownership become a nuisance, the "offended” person must file a complaint, and Police Chief/Code Enforcer Virgil Sandlin will respond.
This ordinance pertains to the Resource Protection Standards section of Cedar Key's Land Development Regulations and includes requirements for marinas and for the removal and protection of trees and vegetation. After the first reading of the ordinance by City Attorney Norm Fugate, Mayor Davis commented that while the ordinance contains requirements for marinas, it is not consistent with requirements listed in Chapter Three.  Fugate said that if there were any inconsistencies between the two chapters, Chapter Three, the Comprehensive Plan,  would be the controlling factor.  The commission decided not to act on the ordinance and to send back to the LPA further review.
Commissioners unanimously approved Ordinance 505 on its first reading.  The ordinance regulates alcoholic beverages in proximity to schools and churches.  The distance of 500 feet remains the same; the only change is the elimination of the word “sold” and the clarification of how the distance is to be measured.
Commissioners unanimously approved Ordinance 507 on its first reading.  The ordinance amends the Laws of Cedar Key regarding flood hazard prevention; it adopts flood plain maps, designates a flood plain administrator, amends development procedures and criteria in flood hazard areas, and adopts technical amendments to the Florida Building Code.  University of Florida staff and Tallahassee-based FEMA staff helped formulate this ordinance.
This resolution provides a mechanism to conduct a case-by-case review of aquaculture facilities' eligibility and provides required conditions that must be met to justify the issuance of an aquaculture variance from the Land Development Code and other laws in Cedar Key.  
Commissioners unanimously approved Public Works Bill Crandley’s request to operate a state-provided, no cost, truck with only 67,000 miles on it, and is in need of only paint, a battery, and a windshield.   Crandley , working closely with Fire Chief Robert Robinson,  plan to outfit this 1999 truck from Lake City with equipment so that when emergencies occur, such as a fallen tree, the truck is equped and ready to attend to the issue. 
Whether to try to enforce the existing sign code or to review and update the four-zne sign code that was proposed in 2010 was discussed. Commissioners unanimously approved having Chief Sandlin and Nicole Gill work on updating the 2010 four zone code and sending the long-contested and unapproved sign ordinance to the Land Planning Agency.  After the LPA has completed a review of the 2010 ordinance it will be returned to the commission to be acted upon.
City Clerk Nicole Gill announced to the commission and audience that as of June 14th, 2016, the city is a Certified Local Government for Historical Preservation. Cedar Key is now recognized on the National Register. The classification will benefit the city by allowing it to maintain historic structures and rebuild after experiencing storm damage without having to be governed by the Substantial Damage Guidlines. 
Minutes from the June 7, 2016, Commission Meeting were unanimously approved.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:15 pm.