Photos and article submitted by Extension Staff

SEPT 15 4H SHAWN PIXShawn Royce, leader of a newly formed club, 4-H Animal Adventure, stands with Dr. Eric Simonne of the University of Florida, Northeast District Extension Director. Royce presented bat houses created by 4-H members to UF, Bronson Fire Rescue, Levy County Public Safety and to Wilbur Dean, the interim Levy County Director, to be placed somewhere in Levy County.  SEPT 15 4H KIDS PIC

Beyond choosing a club and registering, youth were able to have some fun playing ball, tossing bean bags, participating in a tug-of-war and cooling off with some water games held by the Bronson Fire Department.

There were also hamburger and hot dogs on the grill along with sides brought by the 4-H Clubs for all to enjoy.

Eight Levy County 4-H Clubs set up displays with information, crafts and games for prospective members to participate in. There were 106 people in attendance.

SEPT 15 4HHARDISON PICSharon Hardison and Kristen Brault, administrative assistants at the extension office, greeted all the visitors to the Round-Up event on Saturday. Ariane Horton, Extension Office Manager, and Sarah Whitfield, State 4-H Senior Volunteer Coordinator, helped prospective parents and volunteers sign up for the new 4-H year. This was Levy County’s first year using paperless registration.

Registration is still open. A 4-H computer is available at the UF/IFAS Extension office in Bronson and the staff will be glad to lend a hand with registration, choosing projects, and any entry or registration for 4-H events youth would like to participate in. The office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

Shane Michael, Regional Specialized 4-H Agent II (not pictured) was also on hand to answer any 4-H questions leaders, club members and prospective members had.

4-H is a fun and educational organization for youth ages 5-18.  4-H helps youth to develop their interests and abilities to the fullest through project work, club work, special activities and trainings. 
4-H is open to all youth regardless of race, color, sex, handicap, or national origin.

If you would like more information about 4-H, please call the UF/IFAS Extension Office in Bronson at 352-486-5131.
