May 1, 2017

MAY 1 DEVERIN 1 IMG 0057You may have noticed the new "Cedar Key Recycles" MAY 1 DEVERIN 2 IMG 0063 2sign on Route 24 when coming into our City.  Several weeks ago, Pat and Tom Deverin's son Jim, daughter-in-law Dorothy, and grandsons Thomas and Jack visited Cedar Key during Spring break.  Jack, age 14, wanted to do a community service project to fulfill school requirements while visiting Cedar Key.  With artist skills, he decided to construct, paint, and install the new Cedar Key Recycles sign.



  The former sign, which was installed by the Energy Advisory Panel over six years ago, had been swept away by Hermine.  The E A P was a small group of folks that worked to have curbside recycling along with several other programs, all intended to educate, facilitate, and encourage our local government, business, households, and visitors to reduce their carbon footprint.  As planned, once goals were achieved, the group disbanded.

So, thanks to Jack Deverin, everyone who drives into Cedar Key will once again know that Cedar Key recycles.




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