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June 1, 2014
Ever aware of the hazards of island living, and particularly during hurricane season, Cedar Key Emergency Director / Fire Chief Robert Robinson organized and orchestrated Cedar Key’s Hurricane Awareness / Hazardous Waste Day on Thursday, May 25.  Robinson’s goals were to provide a plethora of practical, helpful emergency planning information and a place to discard all household hazardous waste, all in one easy-to-get-to location.   And, in keeping with the Chief’s ways, that is exactly what he did.
Levy County Commissioner Lilly Rooks, all Cedar Key commissioners, and more than one two hundred and residents’ availed themselves of the services offered at the Cedar Key Community Center.
Police Chief Virgil Sandlin designed different reentry passes for residents, businesses, employees, and volunteers.  With the assistance of Assistant City Clerk Crystal Sharp, the passes were disseminated.
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Cedar Key Water and Sewer District General Manager John McPherson met with residents, presented his “Hurricane Preparedness Guide,” and talked about Cedar Key’s water and sewer utilities before, during, and after storms.  Click here to access this important material:

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The American Red Cross’s Bianca Esprit and her able assistant, Sibyl Jose, provided hurricane safety checklists, volunteer opportunities, common home fire prevention, and more. 
Levy Emergency Medical Technician Jason Matchett explained to visitors the Vail of Life Program which encourages people to place critical emergency health information in one place in their homes for quick access by EEMTs.  Matchett also spoke in detail about the Ready, Set, Go Program, on fire preparedness. 
The Florida Department of Health was present offering a multitude of programs designed to improve and maintain health ranging from diabetes prevention to Medicaid outreach.
Central Florida Electrical Cooperative Representative Ryan Watson demonstrated the dangers of downed power lines and the hazards to those who attempt to rescue individuals near those lines.  Watson’s interactive display showed how quickly and lethally current travels.  Watson is available to talk to appropriate groups and may be reached at the Chiefland CFEC office.
Levy County Animal Services provided important information about pets, advising: if you evacuate, take your pet, remember pet records and identification, and find a pet-friendly place to go beforehand; if you do not evacuate, keep your pet leashed, prepare enough food and particularly water, and much more.  Levy County Animal Services operates an Emergency Pet Shelter at 12055 NE 69 Lane, Bronson, located at the Levy County Landfill.
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The Cedar Key Woman’s Club offered laborers and visitors hot dogs, lemonade, and brownies, cookies, and other assorted desserts.  Susan Rosenthal, Jan Hendrix, Rosemary Denisi, Eileen Senecal, and Chris Black, served the crews.
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While the events inside of the Community Center focused upon hurricane preparedness, Cedar Key Public Works staff worked outside the Center where residents disposed of paints, poisons, adhesives, insecticides, batteries, aerosol cans, and a host of other unneeded household waste materials.
According to Commissioner Sue Colson, hazardous waste collection is required by ordinance.  Years ago, Cedar Key commissioners decided that while collecting waste, they would use the opportunity for residents also to gather the latest hurricane information.  To ease access and increase community participation, they moved the event from the Community Center on Seventh Street to the Firehouse downtown.  Hence, Cedar Key’s Annual Drive-In Hurricane Day and Household Hazardous Waste Day commenced. 
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The Hurricane Awareness and Hazardous Waste Day requires careful planning, coordination, and, most of all, dedication, to the safety and welfare of the area’s citizenry.  The city, Robinson, Sandlin, Colson, Sharp, Crandley, Hathcock, Hodge, McPherson, and the Levy County   individuals, many of whom were volunteers, deserve our thanks.  

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