17 MARCH 2020
Meeting Specifics: The Cedar Key City Commission met on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, at 6 pm, at Cedar Key City Hall. Present were Mayor Heath Davis, Vice-Mayor Sue Colson, Commissioners Royce Nelson, Susan Rosenthal, and Jim Wortham.
Staff in attendance included: City of Cedar Key Attorney Norm Fugate and City Clerk Crystal Sharp. Mayor Davis explained that, with the advent of the coronavirus, all employees are working even harder than normally; hence, he did not require their presence this evening.
Among those in the audience were: Renee Schneck, Nancy Sera, Janice Fugate, Becky LaFountain, Sam Gibbs, and Mandy and Frank Offerle.
Mayor Heath Davis directed Attorney Norm Fugate to investigate how the commission might meet in the future, considering the coronavirus, social distancing, groups of ten or more, and the Sunshine Law requirements. He observed the difficulty in justifying meeting as they did Tuesday when state directions dictate otherwise. Commissioners left the April 21, 2020, Commission Meeting in place while Attorney Fugate researches the issue.
Mayor Heath Davis directed Attorney Norm Fugate to investigate how the commission might meet in the future, considering the coronavirus, social distancing, groups of ten or more, and the Sunshine Law requirements. He observed the difficulty in justifying meeting as they did Tuesday when state directions dictate otherwise. Commissioners left the April 21, 2020, Commission Meeting in place while Attorney Fugate researches the issue.
City staff had removed two thirds of the chairs in City Hall to accommodate social distancing.

Mayor Davis assured the audience that Levy County Emergency Management communicates with the city daily and often several times a day. He noted that Florida’s governor today placed limitations on bars, pubs, nightclubs, beaches, and restaurants, limiting the latter to half capacity, effective today at 5 pm. Click here for the March 17 Executive Order Number 20-68:
Davis advised residents observing bars, pubs, and restaurants not abiding by the governor’s order to inform the State of Florida Business and Professional Regulations. https://www.stateofflorida.com/business-regulation/
On Wednesday morning, March 18, Davis advised, City Hall staff will reorganize the building, its furniture, and its services. Staff wants to act “as models, but also remain safe.” They understand that residents need answers and help and intend to do just that.
To assist with this coronavirus pandemic, Vice-Mayor and Food Pantry Director Sue Colson offered the Pantry facility and its operation in any way necessary.
Commissioner Royce Nelson urged self-policing and reminded all to establish baseline temperatures for themselves and household persons and then to take temperatures daily.
Davis invited Dr. Sam Gibbs to speak. Gibbs, a Wildlife Veterinarian with the National Wildlife Refuge System,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, also has degrees in infectious diseases. Gibbs spoke to the virus’s risk to individuals and to the community’s responsibility. She stated that if Cedar Key were to contract the virus as Italy did, some 54 Cedar Keyans would die. She warned that food may need to be delivered to people so that they would not mingle with others at local places, like the Market.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, also has degrees in infectious diseases. Gibbs spoke to the virus’s risk to individuals and to the community’s responsibility. She stated that if Cedar Key were to contract the virus as Italy did, some 54 Cedar Keyans would die. She warned that food may need to be delivered to people so that they would not mingle with others at local places, like the Market.
The Florida Department of Transportation Multiuse Corridors Regional Economic Significance (MCORES) representatives were scheduled to be at this evening’s meeting but failed to arrive.
The Florida Department of Transportation Multiuse Corridors Regional Economic Significance (MCORES) representatives were scheduled to be at this evening’s meeting but failed to arrive.
Mayor Davis reported that the FDOT MCORES group did receive Cedar Key’s resolution voicing opposition to the road in levy County.
Commissioners unanimously approved correspondence from the City of Cedar Key to the Suwannee River Water Management District supporting a new compositing toilet on Atsena Otie. The toilet will retain current water quality for commercial aquaculture, commercial boating, and shellfish production.
Commissioners unanimously approved correspondence from the City of Cedar Key to the Suwannee River Water Management District supporting a new compositing toilet on Atsena Otie. The toilet will retain current water quality for commercial aquaculture, commercial boating, and shellfish production.
The University of Florida’s Dr. Charlie Hailey, who teaches a design-build architecture class, has had his students design a Catherine Hobday Memorial commemorating the Seahorse Key assistant lighthouse keeper. Commissioners unanimously approved the project and its placement in front of the Cedar Key Library. The placement will require the removal of a palm which Commissioner Royce Nelson offered to remove and replant elsewhere. The Memorial will be a gift to the city.
The University of Florida’s Dr. Charlie Hailey, who teaches a design-build architecture class, has had his students design a Catherine Hobday Memorial commemorating the Seahorse Key assistant lighthouse keeper. Commissioners unanimously approved the project and its placement in front of the Cedar Key Library. The placement will require the removal of a palm which Commissioner Royce Nelson offered to remove and replant elsewhere. The Memorial will be a gift to the city.
Commissioners unanimously and enthusiastically approved Commissioner James Wortham’s offer to work with the Cedar Key Water Sewer District General Manager John McPherson to finalize the interlocal agreement between the city and the District. The agreement ought not interrupt the current working relationships with Verizon and Wifiber.
Commissioners unanimously and enthusiastically approved Commissioner James Wortham’s offer to work with the Cedar Key Water Sewer District General Manager John McPherson to finalize the interlocal agreement between the city and the District. The agreement ought not interrupt the current working relationships with Verizon and Wifiber.
Vice-Mayor Colson, speaking for the Cedar Key Chamber of Commerce, asked commissioners for an approval of the concept of a splash pad in City Park. The Chamber plans to purchase the unit and incrementally save money for its purchase if the commissioners agree to the concept.
Vice-Mayor Colson, speaking for the Cedar Key Chamber of Commerce, asked commissioners for an approval of the concept of a splash pad in City Park. The Chamber plans to purchase the unit and incrementally save money for its purchase if the commissioners agree to the concept.
Colson explained that the splash pad, which need not be too large, recirculates water, which is cleaned by ultraviolet rays. Questions about cleanliness, size, and cost were proffered. Three of the five commissioners are new to the splash pad idea as they were not on the commission when the concept was initiated in 2015.
Mayor Davis suggested that the commission table the issue for a time. No action was taken.
Vice-Mayor Colson explained that weekend police incidents involving visitors with weapons, belligerent attitudes, and threatening behavior seem to be increasing. She further explained that small rural counties such as Levy necessarily alternate judges who process these cases when someone is arrested; Levy alternates with Alachua judges on weekends.
Vice-Mayor Colson explained that weekend police incidents involving visitors with weapons, belligerent attitudes, and threatening behavior seem to be increasing. She further explained that small rural counties such as Levy necessarily alternate judges who process these cases when someone is arrested; Levy alternates with Alachua judges on weekends.
Colson furthered that at least one arrested person, who threatened a Cedar Key police person, and who possessed a weapon, appeared before an Alachua judge and was immediately released on his own recognizance. Colson is concerned that the belligerent arrestee will return to Cedar Key vexed and dangerous.
Discussion ensued about information flow from the arresting police officer to the state attorney’s staff. Attorney Fugate believes that if the judge were to know of the belligerence, weapon possession, and threatening behavior, the judgement would have been different. Fugate will speak with the state attorney’s office to clarify the most effective, timely method to communicate the critical information.
Minutes from the February 18, 2020, Cedar Key City Commission Meeting were unanimously approved.
Minutes from the February 18, 2020, Cedar Key City Commission Meeting were unanimously approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.