May 16, 2019

On April 20, 2019, Dr. Savanna Barry and Mike Allen of the Nature Coast Biological Station recognized their Champions. Nominated by faculty and staff, these Champions are recognized because they "champion" environmentally beneficial practices, are involved in citizen science and monitoring, and educate others about the nature coast environment.

Three Champions were recognized for the 2016 year: Bill DeLaino, Sue Colson, and Doug Maple. Click here for the Cedar Key News article on DeLaino and here for the article on Colson .

Look for the 2017 and 2018 Nature Coast Champions in the Cedar Key News soon. Each story/vignette was crafted by Dr. Savanna Barry.


The staff at the Nature Coast Biological Station have known Doug for over three years, and he has repeatedly shown us that he is a highly deserving candidate for the inaugural class of this award.

Doug's accomplishments here in Cedar Key are many, but a few follow here.

Doug started a successful ecotourism business in Cedar Key and spent many years educating the public about the unique attributes of the Nature Coast and it's need for protection.

He has been a staunch supporter of the Audubon Society and has worked to protect bird life in our region for years. He has shown leadership in the local Audubon Chapter and has led and organized a bird rescue network in this region. Doug has been available to help wildlife in distress on nights, weekends, etc. He has given his personal time for protection of wildlife in our region, and his leadership impact is lasting through his work to protect bird life.

Doug started the wheels in motion for an aquarium and public education area in Cedar Key, which we ultimately adapted into our facility here at NCBS. His original proposal to the Levy County RESTORE funding opportunity was modified with UF/IFAS as partners and has come to fruition as the Discovery Center here at NCBS. His leadership got the wheels in motion for this to happen.

Doug is the lead organizer of community volunteers for Saturday Discovery Day events.

Doug is a regular supporter of the Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge, where he volunteers regularly and educates the public there about the region.

Overall, Doug's contributions are significant and lasting, and his passion for natural resources in this region is evident in many ways. NCBS considers him one of our closest partners in conservation and management of natural resources. For these and other accomplishments, Captain Doug Maple is being recognized as a Nature Coast Champion for 2016.
