April 7, 2021
All five Cedar Key City commissioners and all five Levy County commissioners met yesterday from 1 to 3:30 pm in Bronson in the old Bronson High School Auditorium, located in the complex behind the Levy County Court House. These ten administrators have not conferred in a face-to-face meeting before. Lilly Rooks attended by telephone.
Mayor Heath Davis and Commissioner Jim Wortham have worked to better the relationship with the County by organizing this meeting for months. Though the meeting was technically chaired by Levy County Chair John Meeks, the discussion was an open dialog, amiable, and constructive, with the ten having been heard.
The meeting’s purpose was to discuss, clarify, and provide history and context to numerous issues of interest and sometimes in contention.
Maintenance of City versus County streets and the airport, the Dock Street Pier, the status of Community Redevelopment Agency, and health and safety issues were subjects on the agenda.
Because of the geographical irregularity of City and County properties and streets on the islands of Cedar Key, maintenance has been an issue. Often, within one block containing ten different properties, ownership and hence, proper maintenance, is a checkerboarded affair. Which limbs are to cut, which swale to be mowed and by which authority is a regular challenge. The checkerboard authority is inefficient and unwieldy.
Commissioners agreed to ask Levy’s and Cedar Key’s maintenance staffs to present to them a plan to make the most efficient use of both authority’s capacities. Levy County has bucket trucks and tree trimming equipment; Cedar Key has mowers. Maintenance staffs’ suggestions will hopefully produce plans to make more cost efficient and effective operations.
Levy County owns the dock and has offered to deed it to the City of Cedar Key. To date, the City has declined the offer citing Cedar Key residents’ not wanting the Pier itself, as they do not use it, nor its concomitant expense. Cedar Key commissioners asked more than once why Levy commissioners wanted to give them the Pier. The only answer received from Levy Commissioner Joyner was, “because it’s yours.”
Maintenance of the Pier’s rest rooms fixtures has been a significant issue for some time. Cedar Key Vice-Mayor Sue Colson reported having to shut the water to the facilities off due to fixtures continuing to run and not being able to contact anyone to service them.
With little agreement apparent, the ten resolved to discuss the matter further at a later date.
When asked what would make Levy County’s offer of the Pier to Cedar Key more attractive, Commissioner Wortham replied that helping Cedar Key annex all County properties into the City would be enticing.
Cedar Key Mayor Davis and Levy County Chair John Meeks estimated that approximately 70 to 100 properties are currently not annexed into th City. Should they be, Davis reported that approximately $110,000 annually would be added to the City’s funds.
Additionally, Waste Pro stops, mowing, tree trimming, fire services, police services, and more would become grossly more efficient and cost effective.
No discussion of transferring the Airport to the City was heard. Maintenance, as noted earlier, was discussed and planning is in place.
Levy County Coordinator Wilber Dan announced that an Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) unit is being installed at the George T. Lewis Airport. AWOS units are operated and controlled by the Federal Aviation Administration and report weather conditions for pilots. The AWOS reports at the airport will also be available to general public, after installation, through a telephone number.
Cedar Key administrators updated Levy County administrators on Cedar Key’s Community. Mayor Davis explained that the Agency is a separate entity from the City; Colson highlighted the many projects accomplished with the funding; Cedar Key Attorney Norm Fugate overviewed the funding structure, payments, and future of the CRA.

Adding a board member from outside the existing City Commissioners was discussed. The CRA board, legally, may include a local citizen or a member of the BOCC. Mayor Davis invited the Levy County Commission to elect a representative to join the CRA.
Also mentioned was the agreement between the City and the Levy County Library which is housed in a City building. An agreement would be forwared to commissioner Rooks.
The EMS facilities on SR-347, is scheduled to be replaced in five years. Levy County suggested it might better serve the area if it were relocated in the City. Lauding the thought, Mayor Davis asked that the suggestion be put in writing to the City.
Other topics, broadband, stormwater management, permitting, infrastructure, and maintenance, were mentioned and will be discussed at future joint meetings.
As the meeting was drawing to a close, Vice Mayor Colson spoke to the relationship between the County and the City. Not to think of them separately but as one and how well they work together now and how they can work even better together for the mutual benefit of their constitutuencies in the future. 