23  MAY 2021
The Cedar Key City Commission met on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, at 6 pm, at the Cedar Key Community Center. Present were Mayor Heath Davis, Vice-Mayor Sue Colson, Commissioners Susan Rosenthal, Jim Wortham, and Nancy Sera.

Staff in attendance included: City of Cedar Key Attorney Norm Fugate, Police Chief Virgil Sandlin, Fire Chief and Emergency Operations Director Robert Robinson, Interim City Clerk Carol Walker, Receptionist Telicia Winfield, and Building Clerk Jennifer Sylvester.
Among those in the audience were: Doug Lindhout, Vanessa and Ken Edmonds, Tabitha Lauer, Jerry Salamon, Dottie Grix, Patty Jett, Kay Probst, Karen Stephenson, Brian Skarupski, Mendy Allen, Phil Hawley, Esta Johnson, Mark Braun, Doris Hellerman, Bob and Jeri Treat, and Mandy and Frank Offerle.
Three commissioners, Heath Davis, Sue Colson, and Jim Wortham were sworn into office by Cedar key City Attorney Norm Fugate. The three commissioners enjoyed the good fortune to have no opponents in this year’s election cycle. With its many ongoing strategic efforts in increasingly complex times, the city commission also enjoys the continuity made possible by their reelection.

Commissioners unanimously reelected Health Davis and Sue Colson mayor and vice-mayor respectively.
Commissioners unanimously reappointed City Attorney Norm Fugate and Fie Chief / Emergency Management Director Robert Robinson.
Commissioners unanimously appointed Interim City Clerk Carol Walker to full city clerk status. Mayor Davis referred the audience to Walker’s extensive credentials contained in the evening’s agenda packet.
Four commissioners unanimously reappointed Police Chief Virgil Sandlin. Vice-Mayor Colson voted yes “with reservation.” She voiced concerns about his retirement plan, his “exit plan,” and his paper management.
Mayor Davis welcomed newly elected Cedar Key Water and Sewer District Board member Tabitha Lauer to the evening’s meeting.
Commissioners unanimously approved the April 20, 2021, Cedar Key City Commission Meeting Minutes.
Gainesville developer Phil Hawley presented his plans to develop eight lots from Piney Point property owned by resident Dottie Grix. The two parcels, 0043701300 and 043701400, total 4.66-acres and lie along SW Airport Road. The parcels lie now in the County, not in the City of Cedar Key. Hawley, in his May 7, 2021, correspondence, states that he wishes to “… evaluate the potential for annexation into the City of Cedar Key.”
Hawley’s package presented clear intent, area and site maps of proposed lot layouts, a Comprehensive Plan Land Regulation Analysis, and an Existing Lots Analysis.
Piney Point Resident Jerry Salamon stated his concern that the division of two parcels into eight lots would be a “major impact” instead of the “minor impact” that Hawley avers.
Piney Point Resident Mark Braun voiced his concerns about the area becoming too densely populated and the concomitant loss of habitat for what he believes is an increasing bald eagle population.
Realtor resident Vanessa Edmonds voiced “another view.” She stated that the idea was a “pretty nice layout,” and recommended that the City consider annexation.

Builder resident Ken Edmonds noted that should this Hawley project not go forward, sooner or later, another developer would produce a less reasonable proposition.
Vice-Mayor Colson spoke supporting annexation, as it is “…a good thing for the City” and citing the more aggressive environmental stance of the City than that of the County.
Attorney Fugate explained that the process is twofold: annexation and development approval. Annexation is a quasi-judicial procedure that requires two public hearings. Then, if incorporated, the building process begins and must follow City codes and regulations.
The issue of deed restrictions / covenants was raised. Grix believes that
Restrictions did exist but expired approximately twenty years ago. It was unclear if the current residents have any legal deed restrictions or not.
Developer Hawley declared his 50-year association and love of Cedar Key, declaring that he was not here to “…make money,” but to do the kind of job that would have neighbors “…welcome me into the community.” He repeated that he did “...not take the matter lightly.”
A vote was taken as to whether or not that the city is interested in the annexation. The vote is not binding but allows the city to research the package and then make a decision at a future meeting. The commissioners voted five-to-zero in to proceed with a review of the proposal.
Police Chief Virgil Sandlin articulated the current, difficult Cedar Key parking situation on weekends and many weekdays. Sandlin’s presentation package contained explanatory pictures, comparative street measurements, past actions, applicable laws, and a projected plan.
Sandlin proposed and commissioners agreed to take the following actions as soon as possible. Commissioner Rosenthal will assist Sandlin.
• On Second Street, between A and B Streets, allow car parking on the north side and only golf carts and motorcycles on the south side of the block, hence, hence easing two-way traffic. Sandlin will mark and paint the street sides accordingly.
• Enforce no trailer parking on Second Street 24 hours daily.
• Remove privately purchased,  signs erected in front of residential property where applicable, claiming “no parking” in front of these residences on City streets.
• Ticket vehicles parked far from the curb and into the street.
• Paint or box around corners curbs, hence allowing drivers to see traffic in the street they are entering.
• Allow no unattached trailer parking from all streets
Commissioners took time to acknowledge the successes achieved thus far.
• Eliminating parking on G Street.
• Opening up the SR 24 /Second Street intersection with a handrail, crosswalks, and diminishing parking to the north and the south.
• Eliminating parking on SR 24 between Second and Third Streets.
• Eliminating parking on the east side of SR 24 between First and Second Streets.
• Marking / boxing all fire hydrants.
• Eliminating parking on First Street unless completely off the pavement.
Commissioners agreed to consider the following in the future.
• Parking meters
• Parking one side of street on Fourth Street near F Street
Police Chief Sandlin introduced his new employee Roger Smith to the commissioners and audience. Further, Sandlin presented his requirements for new employees: comprehending the Police Manual, attending to matters on the Shift Checklist, and acknowledging in writing all such instruction.
Commissioners unanimously approved Ordinance 541 which amends the illegal parking laws in Cedar Key. Generally, the ordinance declares some illegal parking a “nuisance or trespass.” Further: it addresses the length of time of the illegal parking and the appropriate noticing of the infraction and an affidavit of explanation; it sets a response time limit, states time limits and penalty charges for furthering the ticket to county court and / or a collection agency.
Cedar Key Building Clerk Jennifer Sylvester updated commissioners on the Community Rating System, part of the National Flood Insurance Program. CRS certification required documents to be submitted by May 17; the completed documents were forwarded to and reviewed by commissioners before this meeting. Commissioners acknowledged their prior receipt and review at tonight’s meeting.
Documentation involved: citing the number of buildings in the Special Flood Hazard Area; comparative data from last report; attestations by the city of actions taken; local mitigation projects lists; elevation certificate permit lists; information inquiry logs; and more.
This National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System is optional for municipalities, and if successfully managed, a herculean effort, can save residents of some communities as much as 45% on flood insurance. The process is lengthy and arduous.
Emergency Operations Director Robert Robinson informed commissioners that he plans to bring pricing specifics to them to replace the City Hall generator. Plans for a replacement generator for the Fire House will be postponed.
Chief Robinson announced Hurricane Awareness / Hazardous Waste Day Thursday, May 27, from 9 am to 1 pm. Though one might drive by and deposit hazardous waste with attendants, all are encouraged to enter the Community Center and speak with presenters who offer much new information. Flyers are posted about town and in local media. The audience is reminded that hazardous waste washed into our waters is toxic to all and to the aquaculture industry.
Chief Robinson reported that the last University of Florida wastewater testing results, involving the last three weeks, manifested no trace of COVID.
Robinson reported from the Levy Disaster site at
Vice-Mayor Colson reported hat the University of Florian returned to Cedar Key on April 22 and 28 to follow-up test those who had been tested last year for COVID. Of the approximate 500 tested in 2020, 180 responded this April.
At the April Commission Meeting, Chief Robinson reported on the Aqua Blaster status. At this meeting and after further testing and monitoring, he stated, that Blaster has not been effective for Cedar Key’s Marina and to proceed further would be a waste of and money. He will dismantle what testing equipment currently in place and remove the temporary electrical wiring.
City Clerk Carol Walker requested approval to hire Muni-Billing Utility Billing Services of Greensboro, North Carolina, to process the WastePro billing function currently done by City Hall staff. Walker reported that much clerk and receptionist time would be saved by hiring this company. Muni-Billing’s proposed monthly fee is $2,485 for approximately 623 accounts. Walker noted that residents who wished to deal with City Hall personnel, instead of Muni-Billing, may continue to do so.
Unaddressed were: specifically, how much the City is currently paying to process garbage billing; how much more or less hiring the company would add or diminish current spending.
The Muni Billing hiring was approved in a four- to-one vote. Commissioner Jim Wortham explained that he will need more specific financial information before voting affirmatively.
Again, Vice-Mayor Colson declared her readiness to return commission meetings to City Hall instead of the Community Center. After conferring with Nancy Sera, currently working on the City’s streaming capacity, Mayor Davis committed to the next meeting remaining at the Center.
Earlier in 2021, Mayor Heath Davis requested that some University of Florida students research the communication process in Cedar Key’s city functions.
The following questions were put to all Cedar Key City staff and all commissioners in interviews:
• What makes Cedar Key special?
• What aspects of the local government could be improved so that the city staff and commissioners can work most efficiently?
• Specifically, what ideas can be implemented to improve basic communication skills?
The writers’ proposed action plan consists of the following steps:
• create an orientation
• foster a welcoming work environment
• establish an effective human resources department
• devise a communications plan
• codify government documents
Mayor Davis thanked the writers and remarked that the paper is a “good basis” from which to proceed.
The Cedar Key City Commission and the Cedar Key Water and Sewer District workshop will convene June 15 at 5 pm at the Community Center. It will be followed by the regular City Commission meeting.
Mayor Davis requested that Commissioner Susan Rosenthal consider how a Citizens on Patrol might work, how volunteers could assist the city with its increased population complexities. Rosenthal alacritously responded.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.


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