April 7, 2020

...a note from a Cdar Key Senior Citizen

Today, I wrote in my journal that it was our responsibility to make our stay at home time productive. We are, after all, responsible for our own attitudes and actions. Our own destiny.

We’ve been presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity. Many of us don’t need to be at work. We don’t need to be anywhere or do anything. For those of us without work-a-day obligations, today presents an invitation to do exactly what we choose.

Our leaders in Cedar Key, across Florida and throughout the nation will beat this nightmare called Coronavirus. These leaders, like us, are not perfect. They will make mistakes just as we will make mistakes. It is our responsibility to help them win this battle. It is our obligation.

If we choose to do nothing, then we are responsible for our lack of accomplishment. If we choose to be bored, then we are responsible for our own boredom. It is up to us - each of us - to assume this responsibility for our own well being.

The secret to thriving in this lock down is in the decisions we make and the responsibilities we take. We must be accountable for our thoughts, our attitudes, and our actions. We cannot defer these responsibilities to others. We cannot defer these responsibilities to our neighbors. We cannot defer these responsibilities to the government. Each of us must make the extra effort necessary to thrive during this difficult time. Although, we may be limited to our homes and community, our minds and our creativity remain free to soar. Free to thrive.

Instead of plopping on the sofa with a bag of chips and good old Dr. Phil on the tube. Consider reading a book, solving a crossword, working in your home garden, writing in (or beginning) a journal, doing a puzzle, rearranging the furniture, canning some jelly, painting the spare bedroom (our your next great masterpiece), exercising your body and mind or merely playing with the dog. (Me? I’m filling up a notebook with all the thoughts that cross my mind).

Cedar Key is filled with vibrant personalities. Individuals of every sort. Artists, potters, authors, sculptures, photographers and more. Follow the lead of your neighbors. Stop whatever you are doing. Take a deep breath. Look around. Join me in accepting responsibility for our mutual cultural and community welfare. Take this opportunity to enrich your life and mine…………..



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