….from Sue Colson, Cedar Key Food Pantry Director
July 31, 2020
We have a few volunteers who have come in for the last several years and have organized our food. They make it look just like a store. everything is sorted and displayed, and they make it look great!
We have a few volunteers who have come in for the last several years and have organized our food. They make it look just like a store. everything is sorted and displayed, and they make it look great!
Thank you to Gina Montgomery and Sandy Power.
Thank you to Gina Montgomery and Sandy Power.
This past month we provided mosquito control information and insect repellent to our families. We would also like to thank a donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, who provided the majority of the insect repellent and has been a consistent supporter of the food pantry. We appreciate you all very much!
This past month we provided mosquito control information and insect repellent to our families. We would also like to thank a donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, who provided the majority of the insect repellent and has been a consistent supporter of the food pantry. We appreciate you all very much!
Not only repellent was distributed, but literature about how to lessen mosquito visits around the home was provided, as well.
Leave it to the Pantry to help and educate!