March 21, 2020
...a note from  David Peaton FPEM, Assistant Director, Levy County Emergency Management


Positive Tests and How The Testing Process Works

Rumors are flying all over Levy County (and everywhere else, we assume) about positive tests in our County. Let us try to clear some things up. This is a long post, but hopefully it will calm some rumors.

1. There are NO CONFIRMED LEVY COUNTY RESIDENT CASES as of 7:30am March 21st!

2. If a person tests positive, the positive result is attributed to the COUNTY THE PERSON LIVES IN, not the county the person was tested in or works in.

3. If a person tests positive, the Florida Department of Health will start a contact investigation and will contact at-risk people DIRECTLY! If you do not get a call from the Florida Department of Health or your Healthcare provider, then you do not have to do anything. Regardless of what the rumors say.

4. If a Levy County resident tests positive, the Florida Department of Health WILL contact the Levy County Emergency Management Office to let us know. They WILL NOT provide us, or anyone else outside of the healthcare field, their name, address, or any other identifying information. This is covered under the Federal HIPPA law. They will only tell us that there is a positive case in Levy County.

5. Your PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN or HOSPITAL staff will determine if you need a COVID-19 test and will conduct the test or refer you to a place that will conduct the test. They will also contact the Florida Department of Health and inform them that they are conducting a test. Levy County Government has no control over who does and doesn't get a test.

6. Just because a person was contacted by the Florida Department of Health and told to self isolate, DOES NOT MEAN THEY HAVE COVID-19. It just means that they may have been in contact with someone who tested positive, and they are taking the necessary precautions.

7. The Florida Department of Health has a dedicated website at where you can view the current status of testing and positive cases throughout the State. The information is updated twice daily at 11am and 6pm.

And finally, regardless of whether or not Levy County gets a positive case, it should not change how you are preparing and protecting yourself! You should continue to follow the CDC and Florida Department of Health recommendations on personal protection.

Remember, there is a 24/7 call center established if you have any questions or concerns 1 (866) 779-6121.

We need to come together as a community and stop these spreading of rumors. We are stronger together. Things will return to normal at some point. Knowledge and teamwork are how we will get through this.

David Peaton FPEM
Assistant Director
Levy County Emergency Management
Office: (352) 486-5150
Cell: (352) 221-0463
7911 NE 90th Street
Bronson, FL. 32621
