DOCKST 8680xe
March 10, 2017

The great news is that Levy County Department of Transportation will be in Cedar Key next week to repair one of Cedar Key’s most frequently used roads, Dock Street.  Storms, high tides, and Hurricane Hermine have had their impact upon the “understructure” of the street and repairs are necessary for the community's and visitors' safety.

The temporary no-so-great news is that fishing on the pier will not be available for a week and Dock Street visitors will have to walk a bit more.

The Dock Street Fishing Pier will be closed on Monday, March 13 until Friday.  Fishermen will need to find another spot for a while.

The C Street entry to Dock Street will be closed at First Street; therefore no traffic nor parking will be allowed for the week while workmen get their equipment and supplies down along that corridor.

With deference to business owners, the east end of Dock Street will allow delivery trucks to back up along Dock Street under their direction.   Because of that delivery need, golf carts, cars, motorcycles, etc. may not park along Dock Street.  Golf carts may drive down Dock Street, load and unload passengers, and exit the street.  Walking will be the easiest mode of transportation.

Hopefully, the repairs will be completed Friday, March 17.  Do watch for updates.
