May 9, 2017

Levy County 4-H is proud to announce the 2017 Summer Day Camp schedule.  Day Camps will be hosted all summer on a wide variety of topics.  To register or find out about pricing, deadlines, age limits or times please call the 4-H office at 352-486-5131 or visit our website at From the main web page there are link to both the day camps and Camp Cherry Lake.

4-H Grows Here: Gardening & Nutrition
 June 12 – 15 

During this camp youth will discover what it takes to be an avid green thumb while adding color to their palates. Youth will explore through games and science-based activities. They will also learn some fun and tasty ways to include the produce they grown in their meals.

Fishing FUNdamentals
 June 12 –15 

Youth will fish for knowledge as they discover the fun and exciting world of fishing sports. Youth will explore through daily field trips and will learn some useful and unique ways to be good stewards while enjoying the outdoors as budding anglers.

4-H Globetrotters

 June 19 –22

4-H is found in over 50 countries around the world. Youth will find out what other youth around the world experience in 4-H through hands-on activities that connect you to their cultures.

Call of the Wild: Exploring the Outdoor
 June 19 – 22

During this camp youth will discover how to protect and enjoy our local wildlife and natural resources.  Youth will explore through daily field trips to local state parks and wildlife reserves.  They will also learn some basic survival skills to stay safe while enjoying the outdoors.

Farm to Fork – Beef
 June 26 – 29

During this camp youth will discover how beef products make their way from the farm to your kitchen table.  Youth will explore through daily field trips to local farms and processing sites.  They will also learn some unique and tasty ways to include beef products in their meals.

Marine Science Exploration
 June 26 –29 & July 24 – 27

During this camp youth will discover how to protect and enjoy our nature coast wildlife.  Youth will explore through daily field trips to local aquaculture farms and wildlife habitat sites.  They will also learn some unique and tasty ways to include fish and seafood in their meals.

Cloverbud Explorers: Discovering the Fun of 4-H
July 5 – 7

During this camp youth ages 5 to 7 will discover the exciting world of 4-H through crafts, games, outdoor activities, and other science-based activities. At the same time that your Cloverbud is mastering these skills, they are also gaining valuable life skills such as independence, decision-making, leadership, and responsibility.

Learning the Basics: Animal Projects
 July 17 – 20

During this camp youth will discover what it takes to shine in the show ring.  From covering the basics on selecting the right show animal to highlighting proven grooming techniques that draw attention to the right parts of an animal, youth will learn to hone their craft and take their skills to the next level.

Farm to Fork – Peanuts
 July 24 –27

During this camp youth will discover how peanuts make their way from the farm to your kitchen table.  Youth will explore through daily field trips to local farms and processing sites.  They will also learn some unique and tasty ways to include peanuts in their meals.

We are very excited about all of the opportunities offered this summer.  Please note that space is limited, so register early.  All campers MUST be at least 8 years of age and no older than 12 years of age by September 1, 2016.  Camp fees are non-refundable and include breakfast, lunch, snacks, field trips, and recreation each day.  As a reminder all day camps, prices, and class sizes are subject to change.  Please join us as we have fun and learn at the 2017 Levy County 4-H Day Camps!

UF/IFAS Extension in Levy County is an Equal Opportunity Institution.

Genevieve A. Mendoza, 4-H Youth Development Agent 
