July 27, 2017

At the July 18, 2017, Cedar Key City Commission meeting, City Attorney Norm Fugate read Ordinance 516 regarding annexation.  The ordinance proposes to annex the unincorporated lands in Sections 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 Township 15 South, Range 13 East, and the north ½ of Section 5, Township 16 South, Range 13 East, Levy County, Florida.  These lands are adjacent to the municipal boundaries of the City of Cedar Key.

The annexation requires a referendum from the Levy County Supervisor of Elections who will establish a mail ballot special election for a vote of the registered electors of the areas proposed to be annexed.  The majority of those who vote is required for passage; approximately 60 registered voters could cast ballots.

The date of the referendum is planned for September 26, 2017.   This date was left open in this the first reading and will be confirmed it the next reading. Notice of the election will be published in "a newspaper of general circulation in the Area Annexed.”

Mayor Davis commented that the one thing that could guarantee the annexation would be the city’s stance on home occupation. “It is really the only thing that clearly separates us from the county, and especially the enforcement of that.”

Commissioners unanimously approved Ordinance 516.

The Commission has had this topic of annexation on its agendas since October of 2016, has invited public comment, and has responded in full.  The following link will take you to the Cedar Key News article which reported on the first mention of annexation.


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