January 4, 2018

On September 2, 2016, Hurricane Hermine hit Cedar Key.  One year, four months later, the City of Cedar Key is again operating from its own City Hall.   Through moves to and from a  temporary trailer and many transactions with FEMA and insurance companies, the rebuilding commenced and was completed, much to the appreciation of residents and staff alike.  

At 5 pm on January 2, 2018, City of Cedar Key staff welcomed area residents to the newly renovated, remodeled, refurbished City Hall.  Wonderfully reminiscent of the old City Hall, the building is both warmly familiar while dramatically upgraded.   

Familiar are the hardwood floors, the wainscoted meeting room area, the full, long windows, and the receptionist area as one enters the same front door.

Upgrades are many:  five monitors in the meeting room, handicapped assessible bathrooms, a thorough security system, space in the rear to seat ten people comfortably.

Staff served visitors quiche, small pizzas, and beef Wellington hors d oeuvres and provided personalized tours throughout the small complex.   From 5 until 6 pm, a loop of pictures taken as construction was ongoing riveted viewers.  You will see these soon on this Cedar Key News site or on the city’s website.

Celebrating the first meeting in the newly repaired City Hall, Mayor Davis and Vice-Mayor Colson held the red ribbon while Commissioners Register, Nelson, and Rucker cut the it.  Davis thanked all the individuals who worked to complete the building.  He specifically mentioned Fire Chef Robert Robinson who oversaw the entire reconstruction and on Steamers’ owner Dennis Gill who, at no cost to the city, designed, installed, and managed the building’s information technology, from computer connections to security systems.

Expect construction pictures soon.


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