January 2, 2018
Meeting Specifics:
The Cedar Key City Commission met on Tuesday, January 2, 2018, at 6:06 pm, immediately after the Cedar Key Community Redevelopment Agency adjourned, at the newly renovated Cedar Key City Hall.   Present were:  Mayor Heath Davis, Vice-Mayor Sue Colson and Commissioners Royce Nelson, Dale Register, and Nickie Rucker.
Staff in attendance included: City of Cedar Key Attorney Norm Fugate, Police Chief Virgil Sandlin, Fire Chief and Emergency Operations Manager Robert Robinson, Public Works Supervisor James Custer, City Clerk Nicole Gill, Assistant City Clerk Crystal Sharp, Assistant to the City Clerk Brandy Knight, and Legal Assistant to Mr. Fugate Leslie Landress. 
Among those in the audience were: Beth Mizell, Peggy Herrick, Jan and Steve Stackhouse, Rosie Cantwell, Leslie Sturmer, Linda Seyfert, Allison Nelson, Savanna Barry, John Blouse, Tina Ryan, Jeri and Bob Treat, and Mandy and Frank Offerle.
Celebrating the first meeting in the newly renovated City Hall, Mayor Davis and Vice-Mayor Colson held the red ribbon while Commissioners Register, Nelson, and Rucker did the cutting.  Davis thanked all the individuals who worked to complete the building.  He specifically mentioned Fire Chef Robert Robinson who oversaw the entire reconstruction and Steamers’ owner Dennis Gill who, at no cost to the city, designed, installed, and managed the building’s information technology, from computer connections to security systems.
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Vice-Mayor Sue Colson thanked all city staff who, in addition to performing their normal full-time job activities, contributed to the City Hall efforts.  She stated regretting not having celebrated the holidays as is normally done but understood all were busy moving for the third time in a year and a half.
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Natures Landing Manager Tina Ryan read a short memorandum from Patricia Jennings, President “on behalf of the Board of Directors and owners” of the Island Place on C and First Streets.  The correspondence articulated the Island Place’s interest in using the spoils dredged from under the C Street Bridge to replenish its beach area when the dredging effort begins. Mayor Davis thanked Ryan and will process the letter as the dredging efforts progress.  
Representing the Cedar Key Aquaculture Association, Leslie Sturmer, Linda Seyfert, and Rose Cantwell presented its Follow the Clam Trail concept.  The Clam Trail, states the information presented to the commission, “is one of ten projects selected by the Levy County RESTORE Act Committee for funding in 2018.  The project allows for a fun, educational and public art treasure hunt throughout Cedar Key and its surrounding area providing information to visitors and about the clam’s ecological and economic benefit to our coastal waters.”
The information continues to explain that the Clam Trail, “will feature ten fiberglass clams to be located initially at public sites both in and around Cedar Key.”  The spokeswomen requested that the city “consider developing a plan for approval of proposed locations for placement of clams on city-owned properties.”
After some discussion, commissioners offered the city’s regular permitting process for each clam proposed to be located on public property.  Through that process, each clam would be allowed or rejected.
Vice-Mayor Sue Colson reported on the state of the Rural Business Development grant from the United States Department of Agriculture.  The grant, intended to replicate the newly built restroom in the Cedar Key Marina, required an entirely new submittal with plans approved by an engineer.
Mittauer Associates of Gainesville, who built the existing Marina structure, did not want to participate but CHW Engineering of Gainesville is willing to work with the city on this project.  CHW must create its own engineering plans, thus raising the price of the entire construction; such costs may not be reimbursable under the grant.  As the grant deadline is late February, the decision to apply for the grant is imminent.  
The mayor asked Colson to get some prices based on the existing plans and present the estimates to the commission. The city might be able to construct the project itself in much less time.  The commission agreed, and Colson will work with staff and return with an estimate. 
Commissioner Dale Register reported that he had met with Waste Pro representatives, resident recycling expert and enthusiast Tom Deverin, and Assistant to the City Clerk Crystal Sharp.  He reported the following information.
  • Glass is currently being picked up.  It is being put in the landfill, but the city is not being charged the tipping fee.
  • Register and Deverin continue to establish relationships with companies that recycle glass in hopes of restarting the glass recycling effort here.
  • Williston and Ingis have similar recycling efforts and will be helpful in whatever initiative the city orchestrates.
  • Early renegotiation of the Waste Pro / City contract was postponed.
  • The decision to alter the billing procedure was left unsettled.  City staff would prefer that Waste Pro do the billing.
In its November 27, 2017, correspondence, Cedar Key Chamber of Commerce President Caryn Stephenson stated that her board had met, discussed the metered parking in Cedar Key concept at length, and voted unanimously NOT to support the idea.  She cited “impact on businesses, pressure on nearby streets, C Street bridge repairs, long-term maintenance of meters, and visitor perception” as concerns.
Commissioner Nelson presented an invitation to bid, a contract, scope of work, and bid form for the Marina walkway and finger docks to the commission.  Commissioners approved the request for proposal packet unanimously.
Commissioners approved generating a request for proposal to dismantle the old outside boat ramp.  They estimate the dismantling, removal of debris, and rebuilding the concrete bulwark would cost approximately $30,000.
Commissioners also agreed to generate a request for proposal for the Marina’s outside boat dock.   The dock would be 100 feet long and eight feet wide, be fixed, and extend from the bulwark at close to the same angle as the current ramp.
Attorney Norm Fugate reported that the May 2017 election complaint made to the Florida Elections Commission is still pending and he has “seen a little bit, a little bit of action coming from the elections commission.”  He declined to report what that action was but stated that they were asking for some information.
Attorney Norm Fugate reported no further action on the Dock Street Bridge staging information. He is waiting for the DOT and the County to agree that the County owns C Street.
Vice-Mayor Colson said that DOT is supposed to meet with her next Tuesday or Wednesday and that any other commissioners may also meet with them individually. Colson stated her concern that the staging information be specific and clear; she wants as little interruption to the natural environment as possible. Colson wants to know about the (temporary) easement needs and what the DOT is going guarantee back when they are finished.
Commissioners unanimously approved minutes from the December 5, 2017, City Commission meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.