March 17, 2020

by Rebecca Gallagher

The Fifth Annual Cedar Key Charity Golf Tournament was held Wednesday, March 11, 2020. It is hard to believe that five years have passed since Bob and Debbie Piscura and Joe and Betty Chambers established this charity event. Although the Chambers could not be here this year for personal reasons, they sent their money. Our prayers are with them, and we look forward to seeing them as soon as possible.

In the past, the donations raised by this charity have gone to the Cedar Key Library, the Cedar Key School, and the Cedar Key Fire Department. It is amazing that each year this event can surpass not only the dollars raised in past events, but also surpass the amount that the founders expect. This year the proceeds are going to the Cedar Key Scholarship Fund and the Cedar Key Dolphin Project.

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Some may not realize that Stefanie Gazda, lead scientist for the Cedar Key Dolphin Project (CKDP), began research on Cedar Key Bottlenose Dolphins in 2001. Dr. Gazda documented a specific feeding behavior not observed in Bottlenose Dolphins, the driver-barrier feeding. Most of the funding from the charity tournament will go to the goal of acquiring a larger boat. Currently, how many persons and what equipment the project can take is very limited to the size of the boat. The Dolphin Project is not looking for a luxury vessel, but a functional boat. The project has no political agenda and almost no overhead costs, making it a worthy charity as Piscure and Chambers have decided.

Enough about the business end. Let us consider the fun side of things. In the last four years, the first and second place have revolved around the Nature Coast Realty team led by Milt and the team lead by Pierce Kelly, with each team winning twice. This year, Nature Coast Realty retained the number one spot, but the Pierce Kelly team was beaten by a team called Eagles #2, a father and son team. Rick Dale, his twin sons Tyler and Brett, and lifelong friend Mike Downing came in one stroke behind Nature Coast Realty. Maybe next year, guys!

Golf 3 of 6As with all charity events, the tournament is not possible without help. It takes a village. Volunteers this year included Donna Bushnell, Maurine “Reene” Schemk, Becky LaFountain, and Florence Chatowsky.

Piscura would like to thank all his sponsors beginning with Brian and Darlene Skarupski from the Market, Big Deck, and the new L&M. Everyone is always happy when Ricky Cooke shows up with the best seafood boil imaginable. This year, every hole had a sponsor.

Piscura said, “This​ participation has gone a long way towards our goal of beating last year’s $6,300 donation that went to the Cedar Key School.” As it turns out, the Cedar Key Charity Golf tournament did indeed beat that number. This year’s proceeds $8,440.00. To obtain that goal, Piscura and Chambers would like to recognize hole sponsors:

Big Bend Chevy/Buick
Cedar Cove
Nature Coast Realty
Stan and Buddy
the always generous Drummond Bank
DTI Mark Braun
Keith Hills (BD Blades, Knife or Death)
Bonish Studios
Cedar Key Trading Post
Joe and Betty Chambers
Jackie and John Chrissman
Cedar Key Lions
Fugate Law Firm

Again, this year Brian Skarupski allowed the Big Deck to be the venue for the awards and after party. Scarupski also opened L&M as an alternative option included with the Big Deck to make room for all those happy golfers.

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In this tournament, win or lose everyone gets a prize. All prizes were donated from local businesses. Although the Piscuras and Chambers are part year residents, it is clear their hearts are with Cedar Key. We would like to thank them for the awesome work they do in our community.
