Pet Sitting Bottom

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April 1, 2017
Cedar Key Garden Club, other volunteers, and Cedar Key Public Works personnel, armed with gloves, rakes, and clippers  and cutters, gathered at Cemetery Point Park this past Friday, March 31, and tackled vines, Brazilian Pepper, smilax, and other invasive plants that choke the palms, cedars, oaks, and other native verdure at the park.  

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Cedar Key Garden Club President Roger McDaniels, and Ed DeHaan, among their other efforts, cut and chemically treated the Brazilian Pepper shrubs found about the park.   Doreen Holland, Jeri and Bob Treat, Matt Cox, Mandy and Frank Offerle cleared away the smilax and weeds along the north perimeter of the park, greatly increasing the beautiful panorama. 
Beth Mizell and Gene Higa aggressively cleared the west exercise area of weeds, smilax, and broken logs, and other debris.  Russ Colson and Joe Hand were everywhere, assisting everyone.   Public Works Bill Crandley and Dennis Gill Sr., gathered all the debris piles and deposited them elsewhere as well as vine-pulling, raking, and hauling.  Commissioner Sue Colson and husband Russ provided lunch and the ever-precious and much-appreciated water. 
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Commissioner Colson, who has been instrumental in obtaining funding to enhance the park and getting volunteers to help the Public Works Department maintain area, expresses her thanks to all the participants for their efforts in maintaining the very special park that is Cemetery Point Park.

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