Pet Sitting Bottom
April 7, 2017
Meeting Specifics
The Cedar Key City Commission met on Tuesday, April 7, 2017, at 6 pm at the temporary, double-wide trailer home of Cedar Key City Hall, located on the same property as the original City Hall, which remains closed because of Hurricane Hermine damage.  Present were:  Mayor Heath Davis, Vice-Mayor Dale Register, and Commissioners Sue Colson, Royce Nelson, and Diana Topping.
Staff in attendance included: CRA Attorney Norm Fugate, Police Chief Virgil Sandlin, Fire Chief and Emergency Operations Manager Robert Robinson, City Clerk Nicole Gill, Assistant City Clerk Crystal Sharp, and staffer Donna Risker. 
Among those in the audience were: Chris Topping, Michael Hancock, Jim Fleming, Myra Zeigler, Doug Maple, Bob and Jeri Treat, and Mandy and Frank Offerle.
No public comment was offered.
Commissioners unanimously approved sending a letter of support for the University of Florida Nature Coast Biological Station as it seeks funding from the Community-University Engagement Awards Program, Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities.
Mayor Davis gave some background to the proposed outside concrete dock by referring to the original contract and saying that today they were going to go continue the discussion and then authorize the work and preparation of the budget amendment. Mayor Davis read from the contract, “we yield to the owner of TRM for recommendations for placement, size, accessibility and mobility.”
 Dock 8992xeDock 8994xe
Commissioner Royce Nelson, president of TRM then updated the others on the concrete docks for the outside Marina. After discussion of the dock sizes and number of docks it was agreed that the existing aluminum dock would be moved to the inside marina and two concrete docks would be put in its place. The existing concrete dock, built last year for the fireworks, will be repaired, and building flaws corrected. The vote to accept the project and proceed was 4 to 0, with Commissioner Nelson abstaining.
Mayor Davis explained that businesses about town have asked of late what they may and may not do regarding acting as transient vendors.  He further explained that the city relies largely on state law. 
For clarity and simplicity, Davis divided the issue into three different groupings of transient vendors.  
  • Service vendors using the city right-of-way.  Golf carts, horse and buggy, Pedi-cabs, etc. must have a license and permit to do business and proof of insurance.
  • Mobile food vendors situated on the city right-of-way.  No vendor may be situated on the city right-of-way.
  • Temporary structures on private property, such as tents, food wagons, etc. These vendors must have a license, business permit, sign permit (if applicable) and a letter of approval from the property owner to conduct business on that property.  The structures, wagons, trailers, etc. must be taken down and removed at the end of every day. Any vendors within the Historic District will be required to get a Certificate of Appropriateness if any part of the enterprise is on the Regulated Work Items list.
One audience members asked about allowing vendors, such as a smokers t0 smoke fish, to set up and sell food on private property during festivals. Chief Sandlin noted that the festivals are for non-profit organizations. School and the other non-profits organizations use the festival venue as one of their few sources to earn money and that would be taking money away from the kids.  A member of the audience then suggested to allow transient vendors on private property during the festivals and require them to give the non-profits a percentage of their profits. The mayor remarked that “that’s a slippery slope . . . a slippery slope.”  No action resulted from the suggestion. 
Commissioners directed Attorney Norm Fugate to “clean up” the language and return it to the commission.  A check list will also be provided and filled out along with the permit applications.
Cedar Key Police Chief Vergil Sandlin reported that Cedar Key Officer David Perry has completed the Fundamentals of Code Enforcement training conducted by The Florida Association of Code Enforcement; he now holds his Certificate of Achievement.  Perry is now the Cedar Key Code Enforcement officer.  He will be working closely with Cedar Key’s flood plain manager, issuing citations allowing those receiving them thirty days to alter the condition, and documenting the process.
Police Chief Sandlin requested adding language to the city’s event request form to provide for extra police personnel when the volume of visitors or the nature of the event would be safer with an increased police presence.  Commissioners approved the request 5 to 0. 
Cedar Key Chief Emergency Operations Director and Fire Chief Robert Robinson reported that he continues to work with FEMA regarding the restoration of City Hall.  Because the structure is in the historical district, FEMA may provide dollars to support elevating the building three feet.
Because earlier decisions been made without the possibility of FEMA supporting the three-foot rise, Robinson asked if commissioners wanted him to peruse the rise and the supporting dollars.  Commissioners voted 5 to 0 in favor.
Robinson will work with Attorney Fugate, the Cedar Key Building Department, and City Clerk Nicole Gill to affect the 40-page attendant paperwork supplying directions/suggestions on how to present the best case to FEMA.
Commissioners unanimously approved minutes from the March 21, 2017, city commission meeting.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:17 pm.

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