Pet Sitting Bottom


July 12, 2017
Fearing that some severely leaning, dead, or badly damaged trees would fall upon a gravesite or a strolling visitor’s head, the City of Cedar Key contracted with that Langston Tree Service of Trenton, Florida, to cut them down. The trees in the cemetery area were carefully selected and dead trees and trees that were deemed a potential hazard if they were to fall during a severe storm were tagged for removal.
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Estimates from three tree removal companies were recieved. One of the main concerns in removing trees in the cemetery was not damaging or desturbing the grave sites. This required the use of a large crane which carefully lowered the cut trees and left the cemetery sites intact. The tree stumps were ground down and the area left in good condition. A total of 39 trees were cut and hauled away during the week of July 5, 2017. The planting of new trees in the cemetery is being discussed by the city.
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