October 21, 2014

Last evening, Monday, October 20, 2014, at 5:01pm and 6:00pm, two meetings, led by Vice-Mayor Sue Colson, sought public comment from locals about how they would like to see Cedar Key’s public parks   improved.  More than a dozen individuals came to the Cedar Key Community Center to take part in the brainstorming session.

Colson is seeking two $50,000 Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FDRAP) grants, one for Cemetery Point Park and one for City Park on Second Street.   Grant writer Fred Fox, with whom the City of Cedar Key has successfully worked in the past, will be hired to write and administer the grants for a percentage of the grants, leaving approximately $46,000 from each with which to upgrade the parks.

Colson set the parameters for Cemetery Park, in coordination with the Cedar Key Cemetery Committee’s wishes, explaining that the park should remain passive, pensive, non-noise producing, and reflective.   In keeping with those specifications, audience suggestions, captured on poster paper by Robin Gillis, initially  included: a dog park, outdoor exercise equipment,  solar lighting, cameras, , more benches, interpretative signage, more trash cans, more dog waste dispensers, historically designed shelters, more native vegetation and shade trees, a kayak ramp, more walking trails, a telescope, and a  meditative area.   

After further discussion, the group ranked ideas as follows: first, expand the walking trails; second, increase native vegetation and shade trees.  In third place, three items ranked equally: a kayak ramp, a telescope, and covered seating.

Colson explained that City Park requires maintenance that must come out of the grant before all else.  Items in need of repair and maintenance, leave only  $9,600 to spend,  include:  remulching of the playground,  replacing one piece of broken and potentially dangerous playground equipment, replacing six tables, and replacing the leaky,  costly water fountain near the kayak stand.  Colson added to the “must do first” list cameras for safety and vandalism prevention.   Audience suggestions included:  additional lighting, more shade trees, new playground pieces, a water park, additional sea grasses, additional dog waste stations, and a 911 emergency telephone.

After further discussion, the group ranked ideas as follows: first cameras; second, additional lighting; third, more shade trees; fourth, more sea grasses; and fifth, new playground pieces. 

The meetings concluded at 6:50pm with Colson’s many thanks for the audience’s input.

