Pet Sitting Bottom
This is part two of three
The Cedar Key City Commission has two open seats that will be voted upon on Election Day, May 6, 2014.  In the interest of a more informed public, the Cedar Key News is providing two services to you, the reader.
The first service is the candidates’ written responses to three questions which you may read here on the News. On April 15th the first question was published. Today, April 16th, we are publishing the candidates’ response to the second question. The third response will be published on Thursday, April 17, 2014. 
The second service is the Candidate Forum where you will be able to watch and join your fellow residents in asking the candidates pertinent questions regarding the city’s operation.  Mark your calendar and come to the Candidate Forum on Thursday, April 24, 2014, at 6pm, at the Cedar Key Library upstairs meeting room.
Below you will find the answers to the second question:
Would you change the organizational structure within City Hall?
If so, explain how.
If not, explain how you think the current organization is effective.
Tina Ryan, Incumbent
Response to Question 2
I would like to see more efficient operational systems between the City departments and the Commissioners.  During my short time on the Commission, I have found it difficult to make decisions due to the lack of financial reporting over the past few years.  I have also found that the Commission does not always operate under standard policies.   Quick decisions are made without prior information as to what effect those decisions will have in the future, both economically and operationally.  I believe that the Commission needs to work with staff to set up goals and objectives and continually evaluate if those objectives have been met and how to make improvements.  All businesses and their employees need to be evaluated periodically to continue to operate as efficiently and cost effectively as possible in order to meet the changing needs of its customers, which in this case is our taxpayers.  On a more specific issue, I feel that our Police Chief and Fire Chief also acting as the Public Works Director and Building Director is not the best situation.  If funding could be found in a future budget without raising taxes, I would support separating those duties.
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Bryan Skarupski - Challenger
Response to Question 2
There are two things I would immediately change in the structure of city hall. For the past year Virgil and Robert have gone above and beyond their areas of responsibilities. They have done an outstanding job and should be commended. However, I do not believe the workload can be or should be sustained. Therefore their extra duties should end and the commissioners should divide the workload amongst themselves. This would save money and the commissioners could get their hands dirty and work from the bottom up to fully understand how the city operates.
The other item I would like to change is the way we hold elections. The candidates should run for a seat not against each other, so if three seats were up for election and five candidates ran the top three with the most votes would win the three seats.
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Scott Dennison - Incumbent
Response to Question 2
The City Commission should support the positions they approved when the City budget was publicly finalized September 2013.
We approved budgeting for a City Clerk, our CFO/Budget and Records Administrator, this position is required by City Charter. The City Clerk/CFO, should be strictly dedicated to reducing expenses, overseeing revenues, managing the budget, providing monthly financial reports to the Commission, securing and protecting our public records according to State Law. The City Clerk must focus on expense reduction, by competitively bidding services, i.e. insurance.
We created the Services Manager position, recommended in our City Audit. This position assures that services such as collecting payments, overseeing billing, clerical support to departments, providing citizens with customer assistance is efficient and respectful. Having these two separate positions is the recognized best practice to improve our audits and reduce the opportunity for fraud.
We should restore the full-time Public Works Supervisor. This working supervisor is directly responsible for all City owned buildings and assets- our paved streets and sidewalks, parks, streetlights, storm-water drainage, the City Marina/Park, Library, Community Center, City Hall, and other assets. We have made continued improvements, other public works maintenance and repairs which must be completed.
Accountability of the City managers and staff is critical.
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Royce Nelson  - Challenger
Response to Question 2
I feel it is important for all City employees to be qualified, knowledgeable and well managed to give our citizens the best service possible.  I believe we need a better system of checks and balances, providing accountability to the citizens of Cedar Key.  As to the current structure of City Hall, when I become a commissioner I will evaluate and make recommendations based on weaknesses and strengths that I observe.  Above all, I feel it is important to show respectful leadership and to work together as a team.
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Look for answers to question #3 tomorrow


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