The City of Cedar Key is planning a sidewalk along SR24 between the #3 bridge and the #4 bridge. The Gainesville engineering firm of CHW has been chosen to design the mile-long sidewalk. The current schedule is to advertise for construction bids on May 1st, 2013, and award the contract at the June 4th commission meeting.

CHW will conduct a workshop at 6 pm, Wednesday, February 13th, 2013, at the Cedar Key Community Center. The engineering firm will listen to Cedar Key citizens` concerns, suggestions and opinions and answer questions regarding FDOT requirements and what may or may not be constructed.

The FDOT has requirements regarding the construction and safety of pedestrian ways that must be met in the final design. CWH will present one or two designs at the City Commission meeting on February 19th, 2013, and hear further comments by the citizens of Cedar Key. At the March 5th meeting, a vote will be taken to approve the preferred design and submit the approved design to FDOT for review and comment.

Many items regarding the proposed project should be discussed and the input of all concerned citizens is vital.

- Is a mile-long sidewalk really needed? 
- Who is requiring this sidewalk? 
- Is this sidewalk required by the FDOT? 
- Does the sidewalk or pedestrian way need to extend to the #4 bridge? 
- What will be the impact on the view along SR24 as you drive to and from town? 
- On which side of SR24 is the walkway to be located? 
- Does it have to be a sidewalk or are there alternative solutions? 
- What construction materials are allowed by the FDOT for a pedestrian way? 
- Can impervious materials be used? 
- What will be the impact on environmentally sensitive land along SR24?

Bring your concerns and questions to the workshop on February 13th. Are you in favor of a sidewalk or would you rather not have a mile-long sidewalk, with crosswalks, built along SR24? Your ideas and opinions regarding this project will have a significant impact on the pristine environment and the natural character of Cedar Key.

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