Cedar Key News


Levy County History

Toni Collins

143 years ago

06 October 1860 - Election returns from Levyville: For the office of Governor - 79 votes for John Milton the Democrat and 11 votes for Edward Hopkins of the Union party; for Congress - 83 votes for R. Hilton the Democrat and 9 votes for R. Allen of the Union party; for Senator - 48 votes for James T. Magbee, an Independent Democrat and 38 votes Samuel F. Hope the Democrat and; for Assemblyman - 77 votes for Thomas N. Clyatt the Democrat and 7 votes for George H. Tresper of the Union party.

122 years ago

30 June 1882 - From the Florida State Journal published at Cedar Key - FOR SALE: A nine acre lot in Bronson with building, 5 rooms, good well of water, a fine assortment of fruit trees, all in cultivation, with a good fence. Price $700. Please see W.J. Jones, Agent.

30 years ago

06 March 1973 - The Levy County Board of County Commissioners adopted a resolution declaring the week of March 4 through 10 as Peanut Week in Levy County. The Board members urged all citizens of Levy County to partake of this delicious protein power natural food. The Resolution stated that peanuts represent a major source of agricultural income to Levy County bringing in over 1.4 million dollars to growers and the peanut industry making Levy County the top peanut county in Florida.

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk`s Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Cour