Cedar Key News


A Piece of Cedar Key History Up for Auction

Letters to the Editor

To Any Interested Party;

An auction item on Ebay is Mr. St. Clair Whitman`s old 1926 chevrolet touring car which was sold in the 1960`s and is now owned by a party in Largo, Florida. It has been thoroughly restored along with some modernization and appears in excellent condition judged by accompanying pictures. It is an impressive old car and a part of Cedar Key History

Mr. Whitman and his family were prominent citizens here in the early and mid 1900`s. He was a renowned collector of seashells and Indian artefacts and was instrumental in establishing the Standard Manufacturing Company`s fiber and brush factory. The Cedar Key State Museum was named in his honor and his old home has been restored and is part of that museum.

Anyone interested can go to Ebay to access the details or contact Peggy Rix at the Cedar Key Historical Museum if you are unable to pull up the information.

Submitted by John Andrews