Cedar Key News


Cedar Key Commission Grapples with Fire Protection

Jim Hoy

Responding to tax payers` concerns about adequate water supplies to fight fires, City Attorney David Coffey addressed the responsibility of the City at the February 1 Commission meeting. He said that there is no clear responsibility for the City to supply water. John McPherson, attorney for the Cedar Key Water and Sewer District, said that he agrees with Mr. Coffey. McPherson added that the Community Redevelopment Agency may cover fire water needs. There was agreement that the City had leased all water and sewer lines to the Water and Sewer District in 1973 for seventy-two years.

Robert Robinson, a member of the Cedar Key Volunteer Fire Department reviewed the fire hydrant distribution and pointed out that there are several areas that have homes of city tax payers that are beyond the required minimum distance from a hydrant. He cited homes near the airport and homes on Jernigan Avenue.

In a letter to Mayor Paul Oliver, Sandra Buckingham said that she had been told by Commissioner Heath Davis that the City had taken action to have the entire airport area given an official insurance rating of "9" within 45 days. That is a downgrading that may change the cost or availability of fire insurance. Dr. Buckingham went on to say that five years ago the Planning and Development Director filed a report that the City needs a program to have all residences within 300 feet of a fire hydrant with satisfactory water flow. Commissioner Davis asked that the letter be distributed to all Commissioners for permission to include the letter in the meeting`s minutes. Commissioner Sue Colson said that the City should take the lead in finding a solution to the problem. Mayor Oliver suggested that the Water and Sewer District should initiate an engineering study, and then go to other interested groups.

In other items of business, the Commission voted to support a move to change state law to allow governments to enact more restrictive regulations for the safe operation of golf carts within the communities. Also, Commissioner Davis reported on plans to improve City Park and administration of the Cemetery. Finally, the Commission was presented with draft plans to increase fees for building permits and other items currently handled by the building Inspector.